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Author Topic: Con Artist/ pervert / probably covers vast areas in England.  (Read 1766 times)


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Con Artist/ pervert / probably covers vast areas in England.
« on: 03 February 2022, 09:31:01 am »
If I’ve posted this in the wrong section I apologise only just joined, This is going to be a long one so here goes, about 4 and a half years ago I was contacted on fb by a young blonde woman who asked if I’d ever done any modelling or if I’d be interested in doing so (looking back the fb page was clearly fake in fact every thing was fake!) I said I hadn’t but would be interested she started to message me privately and tell me about private porn videos that would be made for private clients, and they’d pay thousands for these custom made videos. At the time I was suffering quite badly with depression my mental health had quite frankly gone to shit, I was in a dead end job and struggling financially and come out of a very manipulative relationship so because of where I was in my life I didn’t see all the warning signs at the time, she said if I was interested she would have “pete” ring me to discuss this!. So I had a call off a withheld number he was very chatty, friendly sounding and telling me about these private buyers and videos!. I had to send a provocative video, my face on it as an audition tape. I met him at a hotel in chester for the main audition which was for this con/pervert artist to get free sex and take pictures!. He then would txt as the girl who originally added me on fb when he was her he would txt with an air of nastiness and she could never talk on the phone with you as she had a car accident and lost her voice from it!, oh and she was born in New York but lived in England!. It’s only when you are in a better place mentally that you look back and think why was I so stupid!, I came across this site a while ago and went back and fourth in my head about joining so I could post about it but just felt so angry and embarrassed with myself!, I worry about the pictures he took that they’ll end up on the internet and the video as well as my face is on it!, I don’t advertise showing my face in my job so that’s a worry. He told me he was 55 years old, he wasn’t fat but maybe slightly overweight he was around 5’9 and had short ish hair and a stumble shaped beard with some grey I think he had a northern accent he also said he’d done photography work for hollyoaks 😳. I wondered if anyone had had a similar experience or come across this vile individual themselves?, if I’d have come across this site back then it would have made me make a totally different decision and if this can help just one person not fall for someone’s lies and con then I’ll have gained a positive from this bad experience.


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Re: Con Artist/ pervert / probably covers vast areas in England.
« Reply #1 on: 03 February 2022, 02:00:40 pm »
Could you please post the mobile number you have with last two digits censored so that people can search for it? You can also probably tell facebook about this if they are contacting people on there who are not advertising as sex workers.


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Re: Con Artist/ pervert / probably covers vast areas in England.
« Reply #2 on: 03 February 2022, 02:53:44 pm »
There has been someone doing this for many years with your description, when I say many, back to the early 2000's.  He mainly operated in the North of England, but would contact girls all over the UK, getting them to turn up to a hotel do his con, run off, leaving them with the hotel bill.

I have never heard of him publishing the videos or photos online anywhere.  I have no other info as it was a long time ago, but his method was as you have described, but in the old days he used the glamour model listing sites to communicate and find girls before social media was a thing.


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Re: Con Artist/ pervert / probably covers vast areas in England.
« Reply #3 on: 03 February 2022, 04:14:50 pm »
I unfortunately don’t have any numbers, when he’d call it would be off a witheld number but when he was pretending to be the girl he didn’t hide the number unfortunately since then I have a new phone. But if he is still using the same tactics he’ll pretend to be a young attractive woman asking you about modelling to begin with. I was not working in the sex industry back then either and never had, Just hoping if he is still using these tactics it may be able to help others avoid falling for it like myself.