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Author Topic: COBRA 72  (Read 5624 times)

josephine 1234

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« on: 04 August 2010, 03:24:36 pm »
I have a booking on Friday I'm unsure about, this guy used to be on punternet as "cobra72" .he tells me all his posts got deleted because the girls he was reviewing had retired???!!! ::)

I'm trying to find out a little about him as he claims to be an worldwide experienced punter!!

Anyone recognise the name from punternet. He referes to punternet as "the unmentionable site"

J x


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #1 on: 06 August 2010, 02:00:46 pm »
I've never heard of him but I don't think anyone imagines they can impress me by telling me they're a "worldwide experienced punter" (so he partakes in sex tourism? How, um, delightful) so that doesn't mean much.

Did you decide to go ahead and see him today? It's always best to go with your gut as I've found that waiting for a decent client to come along is always worth it; there's no need to accept crappy appointments from weirdos or tedious/malodorous men, really.

But if he has followed all your rules for setting up an appointment and not given you any more nonsense about how famous he is on Punternet, then maybe he'll manage to not be obnoxious during the booking. It's probably not a risk that I'd take but I know there are women who are a lot more tolerant than me.
Disclosure: The other person behind

josephine 1234

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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #2 on: 06 August 2010, 11:32:37 pm »
oh my have i got a story to tell on this nutter!! i didnt do the booking but this only became very obvious "not right" 2 hours before i was due to meet him.
I will report back tmo but for now im jim jammed up, stuffing my face with chocolate and thanking my lucky stars i didnt go


josephine 1234

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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #3 on: 07 August 2010, 01:16:07 pm »
OK, so this man is an utter timewaster but seems valid at the beginning!
His name is David m*****, hes late 50s . He sent me a photo , which could of been him or not , but the man on the photo looked like he spent his days in an institute . All the same I thought past his looks and his flappy stuttery voice (bruce forsyth like) and gave him the benefit of the doubt. My gut told me "no" from the beginning of his mails , calls etc but I'm only a month in and thought maybe I was just being over fussy or too carefull (i know i know!!) so he tells me hes booked the king room at the Sheffield Hilton, requests i find somewhere that sells some kind of champagne (?500 plus a go) he wants me from 6pm-10am 16 hours at ?1200.
Thoughtout the week bells were ringing and i tried to catch him out many times. He says hes been away all his life (this may be true but not where he thinks hes been!!!!!!!!)  recently come back to the UK and has a lifetimes experience with punting, mostly in the far east and Thailand etc.
He only confirms Thursday eve, after telling me he had booked the room a week before and had some business to see to up north and he would travel down to Sheff Fri afternoon. I told him that when we met I would need to see some id and would need his room number, booking ref and full name before i even set off for the hotel. He said would a credit card or two and a port card surfice? I said that would be OK. In the afternoon yesterday I had a strong feeling something wasn't right..i called him and explained that a few things didn't add up and my safety must be formost for me, as I'm sure he understood. He explained some stuff and it didn't make me feel good. he said he was on the train to Sheff, i asked what time he arrived, what platform he needed to change at etc. I was online and looking at train times etc. He story worked out so I think he was defo on his way. He then told me that he rang the hotel in the morning and somehow they had cancelled his booking and they were also full !!!!
I told him that I could see online that the king room and many many others were available !!!!!!! he said he would just find a hotel when he arrived and didn't know why they had cancelled but hadn't bothered to question it. I asked for the booking ref , he told me his briefcase was with his other luggage in the middle of the train .... !! and he couldn't get it. I rang him 10 mins later when he was at doncastor waiting to change and demanded he gave me the ref. He gave it me and i asked what name it was booked in "Malcolm j*** s****" he said, which of course wasn't the name he had told me, he told me he had booked it a week ago , i asked which of these manes it was booked in and he said his female friend had done it online with her card as he didn't want it to show up on his own credit card. I told him then that I would not be attending the booking. He didn't seem fazed and just said "OK don't bother its OK"
I rang the hotel and enquired (cleverly) they told me the booking was made a week ago but wasn't to be paid for until he arrived and that he had cancelled it himself at 10am  Friday !!!!!!!!! they confirmed the booking was in Malcolm j*** s****!!!!!!!

So as far as my gut feeling went i was right to not go, but during the week i tried so hard to catch him out...hes very clever and has an answer for everything. If it wasn't for myself and my mates detective work I would have wasted an entire night or even worse been chopped up into little bits and out into his briefcase!!!!

He has brown hair, glasses, bad sense of charity shop/80's geeky dress sense. he says hes been away abroad for years, has a flappy / stuttering voice and a slight southern accent.

I'm sure he will try to book other girls, i have his photo but not sure how or if I'm allowed to post it here. Hes on forum x with the user name "machindavid88"

« Last Edit: 07 August 2010, 01:20:44 pm by amy »


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #4 on: 07 August 2010, 01:29:45 pm »
Urgghhhh. I don't remember anybody on PN with that nick, but I've not been online for that long and don't remember the old board. What a complete arse - I strongly suggest you post on Forum X (or better still, contact the admins for the best tactic). I wonder how many other newbies he's tried this on with?

It does prove one thing though - you're picking up the spider senses  ;D. There is NEVER any such thing as too fussy - you're not arranging to do their books or cut their hairm after all. Trust your instincts - if a punter is genuine he has no need to make up rubbish like this; whilst people do get themselves into some bizarre situations, it's pretty rare and anyone who really means to see you will eventually make a normal booking.

Re: personal details and photographs - the Data Protection Act does not allow us to publish any details that could personally identify someone on a public message board - that includes full names, pictures, full phone numbers or address, car registrations etc. This is important partly because if an offence is committed and we are in breach of the Act, it could provide a loophole that could scupper court proceedings. Anyone who wants the full information can send a PM.

josephine 1234

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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #5 on: 07 August 2010, 01:35:17 pm »
Thanks Amy, When he told me about who he used to be on punternet "cobra72" I emailed admin there and they also told me they had no one with that name or even close !!!!!! Im going to copy my post here and send it to admin on forum x

Cheers sugar x

Lushious Louisa

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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #6 on: 07 August 2010, 07:52:18 pm »
Well done Josephine for being so suspicious. It pays to be imo  ;)

Killer instinct for a crank soooo soon you will go far girl  ;D

Seriously though ALWAYS trust your instinct hun mine is never usually wrong  ;)


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #7 on: 07 August 2010, 10:01:40 pm »
Ahh babe so he was a nutter .... i told you to trust your in stinct xxxx Well done you  !!!!!! xxxxx
What a week it has been ,i had one the other day lol what a week xx Any probs bell me x


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #8 on: 09 August 2010, 09:04:34 am »
Hi hun, there is a Cobra on PN. He has been on there for two years but rarley posts. 5 in all that time.
Well done for listening to your inner warnings system. These idiots think it is great to send us off wasting our time.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #9 on: 24 August 2010, 08:57:00 pm »

Forum X admin here...  ;)

Any lady is welcome to send me a PM on our site regarding concerns about potential problem members etc in confidence. 

and we'll keep a watchful eye...  ;)

Just for the record our official policy is to refer concerned industry professionals to this site!

"There are a number of forums on other sites that host a warning facility with regard to problem/dangerous punters. It was considered at the time that adding another section to the forum for this would simply further dilute the information provided by these sites.

For this (and a number of other reasons), we therefore do not routinely host messages regarding "problem punters". 

It was felt it was more sensible for us to encourage the use of these exisiting sites, rather than provide yet another facility and therefore allow any information to benefit the safety of providers to be increasingly scattered across a number of sites. 

Information/Alerts regarding "problem" punters can be found here: Support & Advice For Escorts Forum.

We are happy to place a link to other sites offering this type of information/advice, please PM or email me if you have any other useful links. "

Hope that helps!


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #10 on: 24 August 2010, 09:07:20 pm »
That's good to know, and your taking the time to clarify this for SAAFE members is much appreciated :).

Ladies, please take note - if a member on any punting site/board is making a nuisance of himself it's well worth dropping the admins a PM; they are not just boys clubs and your concerns will be taken seriously.

Thanks again to Forum X.


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #11 on: 02 September 2010, 12:15:28 am »
Yes, our in-built feminine intuition/gut instinct serves us well time and time again.  When someone books me for a hotel outcall I don't consider it a definite booking under he's arrived at the hotel, checked in, and phoned me from his hotel room.  I will ask him to do this when he makes his initial phone call and then basically put him on the "back burner" so to speak until the appointment day.  If\when he phones on the day I'll then ask what name he's checked in under and his room number and call him back on the hotel phone number to make sure he's actually there.  If he checks in quite a few hours before our agreed meet time I'll ask him to be in his room at a certain time (usually about 1 hr/1.5 hrs before) and I'll call him again.  As a final check I'll call again when I arrive at the hotel car park to "let him know I've arrived" but in reality it's to make absolutely certain he's in his room before I walk through the hotel.

I know some ladies like to plan well ahead with outcalls and do various other checks beforehand but I find this way works for me so I stick with it and (touch wood) it's always worked for me.  That way if you've got a timewaster like this one you can stop him in his tracks by just asking him to call you when he's checked into the hotel.  Genuine ones will do this and not go through the "big lead up to the day" thing.


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Re: COBRA 72
« Reply #12 on: 06 October 2010, 09:24:49 am »
Yes, our in-built feminine intuition/gut instinct serves us well time and time again.  When someone books me for a hotel outcall I don't consider it a definite booking under he's arrived at the hotel, checked in, and phoned me from his hotel room.  I will ask him to do this when he makes his initial phone call and then basically put him on the "back burner" so to speak until the appointment day.  If\when he phones on the day I'll then ask what name he's checked in under and his room number and call him back on the hotel phone number to make sure he's actually there.  If he checks in quite a few hours before our agreed meet time I'll ask him to be in his room at a certain time (usually about 1 hr/1.5 hrs before) and I'll call him again.  As a final check I'll call again when I arrive at the hotel car park to "let him know I've arrived" but in reality it's to make absolutely certain he's in his room before I walk through the hotel.

I know some ladies like to plan well ahead with outcalls and do various other checks beforehand but I find this way works for me so I stick with it and (touch wood) it's always worked for me.  That way if you've got a timewaster like this one you can stop him in his tracks by just asking him to call you when he's checked into the hotel.  Genuine ones will do this and not go through the "big lead up to the day" thing.

All it takes is telling them that you need to call them at the room before going out! Never had problems with hotel outcalls. Same for for homes - always call them on the landline and you will be sure to avoid problems, even if occasionally you might lose a genuine booking where the guy doesn't have landline, but it's not worth the risk for me to take chances.