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Author Topic: Client Turned Up At House Unannounced and Watched Me - Farnborough  (Read 748 times)


  • Sr. Member
  • ****
  • Posts: 409

I gave my address for a booking which did not happen a few weeks ago. He cancelled last minute because apparently he'd found someone cheaper  :( Anyway - today I receive this via text -

'I happened to swing by your place last week (only once) and I didn't stay. Nor will I ever turn up unannounced ever again. I saw your lovely landy in a disabled spot. I also saw you out walking your lovely dogs. Without getting too personal, are you comfortable describing the nature of your disability? (Obviously the accessibility requirement could be for a family member...and if it's for you, that would not exclude you at all from my interest...possibly even peak it.) I am keen to understand better though.'

Potentially dangerous address collector and stalker.

Number is 079208272**