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Author Topic: Client taking MDMA and Ketamine - Edinburgh  (Read 2612 times)

Kinky Starlet

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Client taking MDMA and Ketamine - Edinburgh
« on: 22 January 2012, 12:29:53 pm »
Had a message this morning from a chap in Edinburgh on AW, asking about my attitude towards drugs during a booking. Came across as wanting GFE but while both high.

I replied that asking a WG to take drugs during a booking showed scant respect or regard for her personal safety and security and to be wary of any girl accepting his offer of drugs at an appointment. It occurred to me after I'd sent it though that after my long and frankly ranty email,  there is a chance he may simply use himself and not tell an escort he's fleein' on chemicals.

His name is [removed - PM the OP please]. Only been a member since November and no feedback so it could be all talk. But it might be one worth Edinburgh girls keeping an eye open for.

« Last Edit: 22 January 2012, 02:40:48 pm by amy »
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Re: Client taking MDMA and Ketamine - Edinburgh
« Reply #1 on: 22 January 2012, 02:40:11 pm »
I think it's really up to each individual lady what stance she takes on punters (and herself) being under the influence of anything when she is with them, and for every one of us who is horrified at the idea there will be another lady somewhere who will be more than happy to join him, and that's up to them.

I doubt most of us here would tolerate somebody who was mashed, more because they're such incredibly tedious company than anything else, but everybody's different and I don't see a question like this in an initial enquiry as indicative that this man poses any real threat to anyone bar being a pain in the arse, so I have removed his username from your post. Anybody wanting it can PM.