;-(((( gutted and feel violated... not sure I have the right to use that word being an escort.. but that is how I feel... I have come back to my apartment and it all feels rather dirty and yuck ... weird why I have never felt like that before based on what I/we do... I enjoy what I do... and the clients I have seen have all been respectable and to a certain degree trustworthy....
Also, MEQR, please please never say that you don't have the right to feel something because of the job you do! Just because us working ladies consent to having sex with Mr Random Man for ?xyz does NOT mean we consent to having ANYTHING done to us by ANYONE who feels like it. This idea makes me so cross - it's a massive mark of disrespect when someone outside the industry says, "Oh, she was a prossie, she deserved it" where 'it' is a horrid crime. Like we aren't human beings? When actually, you're a human being, and a businesswoman, and you have had a criminal offense committed against you. Of course you might feel offended, angry, violated! This man is a criminal and he deceived you into providing (intimate) services to him for free. I would feel violated if he dared come anywhere near me - he deserves a prison sentence for his repeated theft, and frankly, I wouldn't be sorry if something even worse happened to him, either.
Anyway, he is almost beside the point - he's a scumbag and he'll get what he deserves eventually. The important thing is that you know your feelings are entirely valid and that you deserve to feel how you feel. Any one of us can enjoy our job and our good clients without losing our right to feel awful and shitty when we are treated badly - why shouldn't we?! I'm sorry for anyone in this thread or in any other warning thread who has been treated badly by criminals and bastards - but no one should ever feel their job makes them unable to expect common decency from other people. You are quite right in your feelings - whatever they might be, they are right, because you are the one who decides them - and I only hope that some sort of justice is found against this man. And more importantly, that you can express your feelings and deal with them in any way you need to; you have done nothing wrong and deserve nothing like this to ever happen again. At least now you are almost certain to be safe from any similar attempts at conning - and as I said, I do believe in karma so I think this guy will have a very unpleasant experience sooner or later. Meanwhile, you can grow stronger and move far beyond anything he could ever achieve in life.