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« on: 10 February 2011, 11:49:43 am »
I am only going to place basic details on here at the moment incase it may help someone in the meantime of me listing full details.

He is from Cyprus calls himself Nicolas, his mobile number is 079285896**  (last min booking, likes shoes and hosiery and minutes before meet says he only has cyprus currency but 200 will more than cover the time).

I will update asap -  lovely man, comes over as very educated - non pushy... do not be fooled like me!!!!!


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« Reply #1 on: 10 February 2011, 12:15:16 pm »
This guy has been doing this for many years, across the northwest. I was scammed by either him, or a possible accomplice when I first started out.  MO is very similar and has a cover story every time. Does appear to change his number too. I don't have one for him since it was the english guy I saw and he tends to withhold his number, he told me he'd been working out there, the cypriot I didn't see because I smelled a rat and it was a long time ago and I can't find his number so far.
« Last Edit: 10 February 2011, 12:21:53 pm by strawberry »


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« Reply #2 on: 10 February 2011, 02:06:25 pm »
I read a blog about this on AW last year I'm sure.
He paid someone with this currency and the bank said they don't accept it, the person went to the embassy and they refused it too, something along those lines.

The name rings a bell.
Catch me on Twitter as: NubianTempAmil

Needing someone is like needing a parachute.
If they aren't around the first time,
Chances are you won't be needing them again!!


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« Reply #3 on: 10 February 2011, 02:38:49 pm »

He turns up saying he's just flown in from cyprus, hasn't had chance to change the money. The currency he gives is one that is no longer in use, and can't be exchanged.


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« Reply #4 on: 10 February 2011, 02:53:30 pm »
;-(((( gutted and feel violated... not sure I have the right to use that word being an escort.. but that is how I feel... I have come back to my apartment and it all feels rather dirty and yuck ... weird why I have never felt like that before based on what I/we do... I enjoy what I do... and the clients I have seen have all been respectable and to a certain degree trustworthy.... I don't see the point in boring you with the crock of s*** I was fed unless you want me to... but last minute he said there was a problem and he could not draw the english pound as his card had not been altered for whislt he was in the Uk.. blah blah.... anyway... 200 Ekaton apaxman.. supposedly the cyprus drachma... no longer legal tender.... what a daft cow... I even told him I had never been there... grrrrr ...... he must have been laughing in his boots... anyway.. I need to be useful.

* Well spoken - very good english - On the phone very obliging - called me back to confirm appt
* Talked of looking for houses etc.. he had a personal shopper...
* Staying in top hotel
* All sounded fine.. non demanding booking
* Last minute he called for final directions, said he had to get out of taxi to call so he could talk and let me know he could not draw the english pound.  Ignored me when I made suggestions and carried on and asked for final directions.
* Very pleasant on arrival - good eye contact - absolutely nothing strange.

This is the strange bit... after booking he called me and said he was pleased he had caught me... he had given me the wrong currency and that he wanted to put it right and that he would call back to make arrangments to meet... he never... and now he is on voicemail (obviously) The bank will not give me a figure but I think it is 38p tops.

Please see his number at the begining of the topic and of course i.m me if you need to.  

If anyone gets a booking from this guy let me know please.  Thank you.

« Last Edit: 10 February 2011, 02:56:14 pm by MEQR »


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« Reply #5 on: 10 February 2011, 02:58:45 pm »
p.s..... it converts to less than 50p.. I mean.....if it did convert... but lol... it does not... pmsl... think I will stick it on the wall at apart as a little reminder of the type of guys out there.


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« Reply #6 on: 10 February 2011, 03:11:51 pm »
Hi MEQR thanks for posting this as I'm currently working in the NW.
I am so sorry this has happened to you - similar thing has also happened to me before, think we all let our guard down at times! Especially when someone comes over so well - really sounds like this guy has perfected this technique so please don't beat yourself up over this ! I won't go into the whole thing as this is the warnings section but when it happened to me, I was really needing the money and took a booking I should have known better not to have - While we were walking along to the room the guy suddenly handed over an open envelope with the notes in, caught me by surprise and looking back distraction technique as we were talking too - they looked genuine, I was stupid not to check - he even had the nerve to say it was pay day and he was treating himself! Well afterwards I discovered that they were fakes - simply colour photo-copies! And he had legged it! It was the most pathetic sight ever seeing his figure running off into the sunset up the road - although not sure who was more pathetic as I was absolutely gutted and felt the way you do now! I still think of it now 3 years later sometimes and fantasize about what I would do if I saw him again! LOL - but it is a lesson to be learned and I dare say a mistake you won't make again in the future ! Cash Only - in GBP! I nearly took a cheque for a booking in the early days glad I cancelled the booking, doubt it would have cleared the bank!!
best wishes hope you feel better soon
stay safe, loloxxx
« Last Edit: 10 February 2011, 03:15:00 pm by Lolo »


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« Reply #7 on: 10 February 2011, 04:34:33 pm »
;-(((( gutted and feel violated... not sure I have the right to use that word being an escort.. but that is how I feel... I have come back to my apartment and it all feels rather dirty and yuck ... weird why I have never felt like that before based on what I/we do... I enjoy what I do... and the clients I have seen have all been respectable and to a certain degree trustworthy.... I don't see the point in boring you with the crock of s*** I was fed unless you want me to... but last minute he said there was a problem and he could not draw the english pound as his card had not been altered for whislt he was in the Uk.. blah blah.... anyway... 200 Ekaton apaxman.. supposedly the cyprus drachma... no longer legal tender.... what a daft cow... I even told him I had never been there... grrrrr ...... he must have been laughing in his boots... anyway.. I need to be useful.

* Well spoken - very good english - On the phone very obliging - called me back to confirm appt
* Talked of looking for houses etc.. he had a personal shopper...
* Staying in top hotel
* All sounded fine.. non demanding booking
* Last minute he called for final directions, said he had to get out of taxi to call so he could talk and let me know he could not draw the english pound.  Ignored me when I made suggestions and carried on and asked for final directions.
* Very pleasant on arrival - good eye contact - absolutely nothing strange.

This is the strange bit... after booking he called me and said he was pleased he had caught me... he had given me the wrong currency and that he wanted to put it right and that he would call back to make arrangments to meet... he never... and now he is on voicemail (obviously) The bank will not give me a figure but I think it is 38p tops.

Please see his number at the begining of the topic and of course i.m me if you need to.  

If anyone gets a booking from this guy let me know please.  Thank you.


THIS IS EXACTLY HOW HE DID IT WITH ME IN 2007 except he used a withheld number then, also had a native Cypriot booked in later that day and after I realised I'd been scammed I cancelled on him. He went ballistic at me but I've a suspicion he was about to try the same with me.

He arrived in taxi - said would be easier than finding his way in a town he didn't really know, on his way told me had flown into Manchester from Cyprus the previous evening and hadn't had time to change currency. Could he pay in Cypriot pounds?I looked up exchange rate but not what the damn things look like. Span me a story about his life, working abroad, being important etc etc. Used the name Mark with me. Has a thing about shoes.

Anyway I had a bad feeling and ran to the Exchange Bureau straight away, they were Drachmas and worthless. He's done this with a lot of other, experienced ladies. Thing is you are ready, he offers you a good rate and you've probably turned other appointments away by the time he turns up. The taxi thing I think is another way of hiding his identity.

He is very, very convincing.


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« Reply #8 on: 10 February 2011, 05:13:21 pm »
He is very, very convincing.

Is was defo top of the class.... I would say my gutt is normally good... however.... if I reflect I did question some of the stuff in my mind... he sells himself very discreetly as a very very wealthy man.... and wants to dinner date whilst here....

I have just spoken to another Chester escort.. he tried it with her... and actually suceeded with a friend of hers... even called her, like me 30 mins later to explain he had made a mistake.... he is goooood..... scary good.... I think he stays in this area or not far from here (Chester) he knew the Grosvenor Hotel... but did not seem to know Chester too well. ;-(


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« Reply #9 on: 10 February 2011, 05:39:59 pm »
;-(((( gutted and feel violated... not sure I have the right to use that word being an escort.. but that is how I feel... I have come back to my apartment and it all feels rather dirty and yuck ... weird why I have never felt like that before based on what I/we do... I enjoy what I do... and the clients I have seen have all been respectable and to a certain degree trustworthy....

Also, MEQR, please please never say that you don't have the right to feel something because of the job you do! Just because us working ladies consent to having sex with Mr Random Man for ?xyz does NOT mean we consent to having ANYTHING done to us by ANYONE who feels like it. This idea makes me so cross - it's a massive mark of disrespect when someone outside the industry says, "Oh, she was a prossie, she deserved it" where 'it' is a horrid crime. Like we aren't human beings? When actually, you're a human being, and a businesswoman, and you have had a criminal offense committed against you. Of course you might feel offended, angry, violated! This man is a criminal and he deceived you into providing (intimate) services to him for free. I would feel violated if he dared come anywhere near me - he deserves a prison sentence for his repeated theft, and frankly, I wouldn't be sorry if something even worse happened to him, either.

Anyway, he is almost beside the point - he's a scumbag and he'll get what he deserves eventually. The important thing is that you know your feelings are entirely valid and that you deserve to feel how you feel. Any one of us can enjoy our job and our good clients without losing our right to feel awful and shitty when we are treated badly - why shouldn't we?! I'm sorry for anyone in this thread or in any other warning thread who has been treated badly by criminals and bastards - but no one should ever feel their job makes them unable to expect common decency from other people. You are quite right in your feelings - whatever they might be, they are right, because you are the one who decides them - and I only hope that some sort of justice is found against this man. And more importantly, that you can express your feelings and deal with them in any way you need to; you have done nothing wrong and deserve nothing like this to ever happen again. At least now you are almost certain to be safe from any similar attempts at conning - and as I said, I do believe in karma so I think this guy will have a very unpleasant experience sooner or later. Meanwhile, you can grow stronger and move far beyond anything he could ever achieve in life. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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« Reply #10 on: 10 February 2011, 06:02:45 pm »
;-(((( gutted and feel violated... not sure I have the right to use that word being an escort.. but that is how I feel... I have come back to my apartment and it all feels rather dirty and yuck ... weird why I have never felt like that before based on what I/we do... I enjoy what I do... and the clients I have seen have all been respectable and to a certain degree trustworthy....

Also, MEQR, please please never say that you don't have the right to feel something because of the job you do! Just because us working ladies consent to having sex with Mr Random Man for ?xyz does NOT mean we consent to having ANYTHING done to us by ANYONE who feels like it. This idea makes me so cross - it's a massive mark of disrespect when someone outside the industry says, "Oh, she was a prossie, she deserved it" where 'it' is a horrid crime. Like we aren't human beings? When actually, you're a human being, and a businesswoman, and you have had a criminal offense committed against you. Of course you might feel offended, angry, violated! This man is a criminal and he deceived you into providing (intimate) services to him for free. I would feel violated if he dared come anywhere near me - he deserves a prison sentence for his repeated theft, and frankly, I wouldn't be sorry if something even worse happened to him, either.

Anyway, he is almost beside the point - he's a scumbag and he'll get what he deserves eventually. The important thing is that you know your feelings are entirely valid and that you deserve to feel how you feel. Any one of us can enjoy our job and our good clients without losing our right to feel awful and shitty when we are treated badly - why shouldn't we?! I'm sorry for anyone in this thread or in any other warning thread who has been treated badly by criminals and bastards - but no one should ever feel their job makes them unable to expect common decency from other people. You are quite right in your feelings - whatever they might be, they are right, because you are the one who decides them - and I only hope that some sort of justice is found against this man. And more importantly, that you can express your feelings and deal with them in any way you need to; you have done nothing wrong and deserve nothing like this to ever happen again. At least now you are almost certain to be safe from any similar attempts at conning - and as I said, I do believe in karma so I think this guy will have a very unpleasant experience sooner or later. Meanwhile, you can grow stronger and move far beyond anything he could ever achieve in life. :)

Good post Emily.

I remember how rubbish I felt afterwards, I'd actually asked a friend for advice and he said "Get him to show you some ID before you accept". He was so 'nice' I felt bad doubting him and didn't. In this line he will eventually meet someone who will be cross at him, and he could end up in a bit of bother himself. I've had police say to me "Oh it comes with the job" when I've reported some things to them in the past, yet I know if I was doing the same things in my personal life or indeed back to them I'd be immediately in trouble.

Sometimes we only learn through experience, harsh but true.


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« Reply #11 on: 10 February 2011, 07:41:09 pm »
Tried it with me also, glad I was firm and told him I only except GBP.. (my gut instinct was telling me something wasn't right!)
Good for you for warning everyone though... hope it helps to stop him in future!  :-*


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« Reply #12 on: 27 February 2011, 03:00:21 pm »
When I was working as a domme at a dungeon near Chester I remember the Mistress
who owned the dungeon told me about a sub who tried this scam, It seems hes still around and
using the same strategy. Im in North Wales so I'll keep alert incase he contacts me, I warn Cassie too
as shes in the Chester area.
Being a good girl from now on.


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« Reply #13 on: 30 May 2011, 07:07:18 pm »
 hi just though i would post this scum bag tried this on with me last night  its my first time in chester and i got a phone call asking to see me for two hours  ususal shit said he got in from manchester and  then he could not withdraw money out as his card had not been altered or some shit -    only had cypriot currency on him  this rang bells as something that i had read in the past so  as i read lots of stuff 
and sadly for him i do my homework  on local assholes when i tour    So i was ready for him,  i made him travel all the way to my hotel and then when he rang i sweetly explained that i   required cash in english notes or in pennies and pound coin but not in worthless currency and that when he had english cash i was happy to see him but not before hand



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« Reply #14 on: 30 May 2011, 07:32:30 pm »
Oh this made me laugh! Not that all the previous girls got scammed and not that he's still out there trying the same trick but that Paris made him pay Taxi Fare before he got sent packing.

It doesn't make up for all the damage he's caused, both financial and in terms of making hard working girls feel bad about themselves, but it is a tiny little bit of restorative justice. Score 1 for the Girls! Yay!

Ruby xx