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Author Topic: Central London: refuses to pay and threatening  (Read 870 times)

Aqua Allegoria

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Central London: refuses to pay and threatening
« on: 09 January 2016, 07:15:22 pm »

This guy booked me through Viva yesterday. Claims he works at Heathrow. He's dark skin but I can't tell what origins, I'd say something Asian. Good looking, roughly 6 feet tall, shaved head, muscular body. Expresses himself in perfect English, sort of posh-y.

He basically walked in, got undressed and jumped on my bed, stretched himself out and asked me to get started. When I asked to get paid he said he "always pays after" He goes to see "plenty escorts, especially mature ladies" and always pays after. Also claimed he books with 24 Carat Escort.

When I told him no way darling and please get dressed and leave he was refusing to move, flashed a cheeky smile and asked me "what will you do now?"

He left since he could hear my flatmate making noise, I managed to send her a warning by text. He asked to use the bathroom (no f*** way) and was clearly checking if he could grab and steal something on his way out.

The number is 07506743***