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Author Topic: Cardiff - Drugged up  (Read 1315 times)


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Cardiff - Drugged up
« on: 12 March 2021, 03:41:02 pm »

Lockdown seems to have bought out all the bloody lunatics!!!

This guy turned up came in, had a grope then said he'd forgot his wallet.  Wasn't expecting him back but he did come back!

He had a shower, then walked into the room in woman's pink pants and  coked up to his eyeballs!!  Told him I don't see guys on drugs and that he needed to leave.  He said all he wanted to do was have me watch him wank so I thought no harm really.  But he kept loudly clearing his throat and sniffing hard which was making me feel sick and then he asked if there was anyone else here and I said yes, although there wasn't.  At this point I said he needed to leave.
07724 3749**