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Author Topic: Timewaster, threatening text - Newport (S. Wales)  (Read 669 times)


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Timewaster, threatening text - Newport (S. Wales)
« on: 16 January 2018, 08:58:08 pm »
Hi there,

I felt I needed to share about this guy I was going to see for an outcall at his home in Bettws, Newport. He contacted me a few days before the booking, seemed all over the place from his texts. We arranged for a couple of days time and he suddenly thought I was coming that day, even though previous messages said otherwise. Despite this, I travelled from Cardiff to Newport to see him for a 2hr booking.

The traffic was quite bad, so I left him a message saying I would be about 15 minutes late, to which he replied this was fine. I turned up at his house 15 minutes late, as expected and rang his doorbell. No answer.
I stood at the door for a while, knocking again and calling his phone (as it said he was online on whatsapp), still no answer.  so after a while, I went back to my car, texted him that I had been outside and asked why he wasn't answering the door. I eventually got a reply saying "You were late so I went to the shops.".
Now, bearing in mind I had told him I was running 15 minutes late, and he said he was ok with this originally (and I turned up within 15 minutes), I was quite annoyed at this. He claimed I was longer than 15 minutes (which I wasn't).
It was now about half an hour past the time I was due to start, so I told him I was leaving as he is wasting my time and I would not be seeing him. He tried to argue with me sending random messages that didn't make that much sense, I told him I had had enough and not to contact me any more, I would not be seeing him. He then replied with "Maybe you should go, you might annoy me and I'd knock you out and get myself arrested."
At that point I started the car and left, not wanting to be there when he got back. On the drive home he called me again. To ask if I was going to come back and see him!

Unfortunately I never got to see his face so I can't give a description, but from the voice on the phone he sounded Asian (also sounded all over the place, like his texts, possible drugs/alcohol?)
The number was 079005250**. His address was in Monnow Way, Bettws.