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Author Topic: London non-payer, possible condom remover  (Read 1086 times)


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London non-payer, possible condom remover
« on: 05 July 2017, 07:58:46 pm »

I recently had a last minute call from a guy I'd met once before, during our first booking he ended up leaving before anything happened as I had a dog and he was apparently phobic.
He called last week asking to see me. I was home, and wasn't doing anything so I agreed.
He turned up and asked for 30 mins instead of an hour. I agreed, although I wasn't happy about it. He then asked to transfer me the money as he hadn't gotten to the ATM in time. Ordinarily I'd say no, but as I'd met him before I assumed it would be OK.

Needless to say, he didn't pay me, faking the transaction but not actually putting it through. During sex the condom came off too, something I'm now not entirely sure didn't happen on purpose as he was behind me. I put a new condom on him and then we got back down to it with him making excuses 10 seconds later saying "He'd lost it". I now believe that he'd taken the condom off and had already cum inside me. I get insanely wet so chances are, I wouldn't have been able to tell even if he had cum inside and I peed and showered right after so when I clicked as to what may have happened, it was too late.

He's an average looking black guy with short natural hair, he looks clean but he absolutely stank of fried food, to the point where my stomach was turning. He seems pretty charming, but clearly isn't. He drives a stupid 4x4 in Silver/grey. I think it was a Range Rover. I don't think hes the type to get violent, but clearly is prone to not paying, and possibly stealthing. Coupled with his stink, I wouldn't advise.
He played along with the messages I sent him for a while before blocking me on his phone and Whatsapp. His name is Mark and his number is: 07471**66**. If you want the full number to check, please feel free to message me. He contacted me by phone, finding me on AW. I don't know his username.

Stay safe.

[mobile number censored to correct format]

« Last Edit: 05 July 2017, 08:06:35 pm by amy »


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Re: London non-payer, possible condom remover
« Reply #1 on: 05 July 2017, 08:08:38 pm »
Millie, could you edit your post and add the centre digits of the mobile number so that just the last two are censored (which I've done)? That way it will be in the correct format and people can search for it :).