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Author Topic: Booked with 2nd number after blocking - Cardiff  (Read 739 times)


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Booked with 2nd number after blocking - Cardiff
« on: 29 February 2024, 12:51:18 pm »
Booked by deceit with a different number. This guy booked using a 2nd number knowing I did not want to see him.

He originally booked me under 075689150** but then started texting disrespectful stuff so I cancelled his booking and received a barrage of abuse. He continued contacting me for about a week even though I told him to get lost. He switched between nice and abusive. Eventually he stopped.

At the beginning of this week I got a call from 077070360** asking for a booking this Thursday at 10.30am, told him to reconfirm by 8am on the day. This morning (thursday) the idiot confirmed using the original/first number, obviously got confused, which I had stored as ‘Do not see’. I confronted him about it and of course he denied it and even tried to confirm 20 minutes late using the 2nd number as if nothing was wrong. 

He kept hassling me this morning from both phones and I threatened him with the police so he stopped.

[spaces removed from numbers, title edited for clarity]
« Last Edit: 29 February 2024, 02:19:03 pm by V24 »