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Author Topic: BB pusher and non payer in Manchester!!  (Read 1947 times)


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BB pusher and non payer in Manchester!!
« on: 30 June 2016, 11:12:10 am »
074802379**. Met this guy in a central Manchester hotel, Asian guy, said it was his 21st birthday and certainly looks his age, slim build, 5'11ish very prominent crooked nose, speaks with a lisp and claims to be from Burnley but living in manchester. He goes by th name of Issan but his adultwork profile was Ali something (now been deleted). Anyhow i had a 2 hour booking with him, spent a lot of time talking with him on the phone beforehand and he seemed like a genuinely nice guy (possibly has some learning difficulties). I know you should always get payment first but i honestly thought he was decent and with him being so young, my own fault i know. Spent most of the booking chatting about his ex, some sex involved but probably only 30 mins or so at the end of the booking, this is when he showed his true colours. Constantly trying to remove the condom and force himself on me. I eventually lost my patience and told him i was leaving, time was up anyway. Asked for payment and he says he has to go to the cash machine and can i wait in the room (at this point i knew he was going to fuck me about) He goes and comes back a good 20mins later (id now been here for well over 2 and 1/2 hours). He handed me ?100 pound and said there was a problem with his bank card bla bla. At this poibt i was about to lose it, i gave him a stern telling off and he kept saying how really sorry he was etc. I dont believe he is dangerous in anyway just a chancer and this time he got lucky.