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General Category => Warnings & Wasters => Topic started by: Celline R on 10 April 2015, 11:57:25 am

Title: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: Celline R on 10 April 2015, 11:57:25 am
I had a client he was 5ft 9 says he's Spanish looks Greek very hairy quite chubby wears glasses claims it's his first time an he turned up with cheque he payed a little cash thrn the rest cheque an the cheque bounced !!!
Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: Celline R on 10 April 2015, 12:30:40 pm
I deleted the text so I don't have his number or name  :FF
Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: sugarkane on 13 April 2015, 08:11:16 pm

Urgh just had this creep turn up at my door. Came in and started asking all these questions about what services were involved, and then went on to explain he didn't have enough cash on him and could he pay partly by cheque.

Had the potential to turn nasty although he left after I was straight with him and said the booking wasn't possible without full payment. 

 Number is 077383649**

I'd describe him like the OP, about 5'7, fat, glasses and with what sounds like a Greek or Italian accent.
Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: saturnspirit on 13 April 2015, 09:52:06 pm
It may not be the same guy. But there was a similar guy doing the rounds in Swansea. Didn't have enough cash and wanted to pay part cheque. He went to see my escort friend in Swansea and got her room number, then grassed her up to the manager as she wouldn't take the cheque.

This was a few years ago, but Swansea isn't that far away from Cardiff, so sounds very similar to the guy in the posts above.

Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: Celline R on 16 April 2015, 04:30:32 pm
I can't belive the cheek of him !!
Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: Celline R on 16 April 2015, 04:32:54 pm
Thinking of it he told me he was 35 but there was no way in hell he was 35 he looked old lol
Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: sugarkane on 28 September 2015, 08:29:04 pm
Hi Welsh girls,

Just a heads up to say this man is still active. He just turned up in my hotel room waving his cheque book around and asking if he can pay via bank transfer. He was politely declined and left without a fuss.

Do not accept a cheque or transfer from this man under any circumstances!

Original description still stands. 5'7 with geeky glasses, fuzzy hair and what sounds like a Turkish / Welsh accent.

The cheek of him!
Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: losthope on 29 October 2015, 07:48:25 pm
whats the name on the cheque ? surely that's his name, if not he can get done for fraud
Title: Re: Beware of this guy in CARDIFF
Post by: sugarkane on 04 November 2015, 02:42:46 pm
I didn't  even look at the cheque book. He was told to leave before it got that far..... but really good point if anyone else encounters him