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Author Topic: Central London: wants his money back and very threatening  (Read 1069 times)

Aqua Allegoria

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Central London: wants his money back and very threatening
« on: 09 January 2016, 07:27:43 pm »
This one got me through Backpage.

He's early 30', slender, very nice muscular body, 5'8''
He's fair skin, brown hair, very cleanly trimmed beard. Wears Ralph Lauren jacket (possibly fake, can't tell).

He's actually Portugese so speaks with an accents. He likes mature curvy ladies. He also speaks perfect French though lies and pretends he doesn't. He has a preference for a levels and is more into the bum than breasts.

He arrived and asked me to "turn and show him how good I was". Tried to touch, I declined, asked to be paid. He didn't have my rate so I asked him to leave.
My mistake I let him come back a few min later with my full rate. Warned him my camera is on and flatmate home.
Anyway the session started, I gave him oral, he penetrated me and of course after 20' he decided I wasn't into it, I was not focused, he wanted to leave and get his money back.

I said no way, he got very threatening in a very cold blooded heartless way. I gave him half money back, he wanted 20 more, I refused and stood my ground. He asked to wash his hands and started menacing me "is this your final decision?" So I simply pushed the door to the lounge and called to my mate to call the police. She shouted back she's calling which made him leave.

I don't know, he wasn't physically abusive, it's just the attitude and this extremely threatening voice. I'm freaked out like hell.
Plus his menacing texts after

Number is 07947922***