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Author Topic: Dodgy guy halifax/ west yorks  (Read 1400 times)


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Dodgy guy halifax/ west yorks
« on: 11 June 2013, 04:47:22 pm »
Young asian guy 25-ish .
Booked for 8.30 which is the latest i do ( hoping theres money in the house ? )

Had a funny feeling about this one so instead of giving him flat number i said id meet him down the road . He got out of car and when we were nearly at my street he said " oh ive left your money in the car " ( that old chestnut eh) i laughed then he said " why dont you just tell me the house number and ill be back in 5" . 

To this i said NO , i will wait here ( knowing that he was going to do one ) ....... he went to his car and drove off.  ;D .

..oh , he had also asked "do you have a dog in the house" to which i said "yes , but you wont see it " .

He cant use the excuse of what i look like for his driving off , as i show everything on my ad . Im pretty sure he was after MANIPULATING and DOMINATING  the situation to either get a free sesh out of me , rob me , or something else sinister. When he has met me in person and seen that im not a pushover , plus dog in house , he has had second thoughts .


I met him last week , then yesterday he has tried to call again ....i ignored call then text to say " why are you contacting me when you came then drove off last week" . No reply. He is probably trying this with all girls in area and forgot he had already tried it on with me
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