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Author Topic: Fine_2012 not so fine  (Read 1385 times)


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Fine_2012 not so fine
« on: 24 March 2013, 07:51:32 pm »
I've been thinking of warning about this punter in Ugly Mugs but the incident didn't seem serious enough, but I still want to warn about this guy, especially for newer, inexperienced escorts.

I was working duo with my partner in the beginning of March 2013 when we saw this guy (fine_2012 on adultwork, name given Simon, phone number 07500062xxx) at a upmarket hotel in Edinburgh. I think he is London based normally. South African, white, around 45ish, tall, slim.

He kept saying he wanted to take us to a dark place and made us switch between dominating each other. After an hour or so he became very physically rough, pulled my hair so that I had to use the safeword that we had agreed earlier. He did not stop and my partner had to step in. He then proceeded to mentally humiliate me by playing on mine and my partners relationship although we repeatedly said we did not consent to emotional play. He would not stop so I finished the meeting. He accepted this, but we were both deeply shaken afterwards. It was a typical situation of sadism without caring whatsoever about the wellbeing of us.

If you're not a experienced, very clear on your boundaries worker, do not see this guy, he is not worth it!