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Author Topic: Bareback attempt and underpayment - inverness  (Read 1993 times)


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Bareback attempt and underpayment - inverness
« on: 13 January 2021, 06:28:11 pm »
Came into my property. Very stand off ish.
Got me down on the bed before I could even ask for payment. Tried to put himself in me without a condom. And just said "oops"

This is a big guy and I'm in a place on my own so just went along with the booking as I was a bit nervous to be honest.
Said he travels all around Scotland. Said he left his wallet in the car as he had underpaid me. Went to the car with him. He would have drove off if I hadn't have gone out there. Made it look like a bunch of notes were together but he just wrapped some 5 pound notes in a 20 and drove off.

Feel like an absolute mug  and bit unnverved

Big guy maybe 6"2  - white
Big belly.

Dark blue range rover type car.

Mobile : 078051329**
« Last Edit: 13 January 2021, 06:32:44 pm by Twisted...tinkerbell »