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Author Topic: 'Jason' robbery in Croydon and harassing pro submissives in London  (Read 3633 times)


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A man answering to 'Jason' using phone number 079575546**  has been causing trouble for pro submissive ladies in London.  I've been asked by a pro submissive colleague to put up a warning about him, as he rings her repeatedly (always from the same number) although she refuses to make an appointment with him.  She also heard that he robbed money from a pro sub colleague in Croydon and calls another woman repeatedly wanting an appointment and not taking no for an answer, although that is third hand information.  Moderators, if this post is a problem because it's hearsay I don't mind editing it to remove reference to the robbery.

Ms Samantha

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Re: 'Jason' robbery in Croydon and harassing pro submissives in London
« Reply #1 on: 18 October 2013, 11:56:54 pm »
Is it possible that this Jason referred to in this warning moved to the north of England?

I was robbed by a Jason earlier this week who thought I was offering some kind of Mistress service. He said that he had just moved up from London (about five months ago). He has a daughter in the area. His calls prior to the meeting were lengthy and strange (wanting to know if I required him to take Viagra!!), what my car looked like?). The meeting itself was even stranger and he left without paying. He contacted me through AW user name Superman***.

I filled an ugly mugs report on him. Potentially dangerous man in Halifax and just curious it could be the same guy now practicing up here.


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Re: 'Jason' robbery in Croydon and harassing pro submissives in London
« Reply #2 on: 19 October 2013, 09:31:41 pm »
I've already blocked two different Jasons from Croydon into domme scenes, maybe the same person? He may be using the following contact details: shahjason187@   074467141**  And the second guy's number is 074478809** no email with that one.