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Author Topic: Bad driver-HULL  (Read 2801 times)


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Bad driver-HULL
« on: 12 May 2010, 07:08:42 pm »
Hi. I run crystals escorts of Hull and pride myself on being the only local agency who bother to transport our ladies with drivers.
Therefore imagine my horror to find that one of my drivers has not only been setting up an agency behind my back (bad enough- but not enough to warrant a listing on here) but also that he has been "over affectionate" with more than a few of my girls.
Why didnt they mention it earlier? He had told them he and I were almost co-owners of the business (totally untrue) and therefore leading the girls to believe their reports would fall on deaf ears.
I am glad the truth has come out. The driver an escort uses whilst out working is meant to be her lifeline, for Gods sake! He has been in my employment for 3yrs, and although there has never been a sexual allegation as such, I as an ex working girl myself know all too well that that kind of constant overbearing touchy feelyness, combined with  knee squeezing and sexually charged remarks, is the LAST thing a girl wants when out on bookings.
If anyone is looking for a driver do yourself a favour. Call me for more info before selection.
Chrys x


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Re: Bad driver-HULL
« Reply #1 on: 12 May 2010, 09:15:04 pm »
Hi Crystal and welcome to SAAFE,

This section is for people to post useful information about possible dangers and rip offs that may be encountered by fellow workers. As your post consists largely of hearsay, speculation, opinion and not a little bigging up of your agency, I cannot see for one minute how it would be helpful to local ladies, particularly as it contains no useful identifying detail whatsoever (first name or initial, mobile number with last two digits concealed, make/model/part registration of car, brief physical description and so on).

I can symphathise with any possible worries about recriminations, but in that case you need to keep your OP brief and to the point, so that ladies who are interested in knowing more can contact you by PM. We do generally want a little more than unsubstantiated third party reports before such allegations can be taken seriously, and apart from anything else, being this vague just looks very much like sour grapes.

Please read the rules about posting warnings; you can edit your post or add another with some useful detail if you want to. If you want to tell us all the great things about your agency, please do it in the appropriate section.