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Author Topic: Assulted By Client Norwich Norfolk.  (Read 3109 times)


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Assulted By Client Norwich Norfolk.
« on: 16 February 2011, 11:32:04 pm »
Hello Everybody,

I am writing to alert ladies in the Norwich area of Norfolk about an assult by a client on myself.

I have seen this guy before and we didn't hit it off. He wanted me to lay underneath him during the appointment and due to his manner i declined.  Stating that i only went on top and from behind (due to a bad experience).

Anyway, he knocked the door last Wednesday and said he wouldn't see me was there anybody else, i said that there was somebody different working on the Thursday, and not to come on Wednesday as this was my day. Well, today i answered the door and there he was yet again after i had told him not to come on my days. He asked again if there was anyone else working, i said tomorrow. He said bye, i shut the door.

Not even 60 seconds later door goes again, i answer. Him standing there again, he asked if he could have an appointment for something that i did do, so stupid thicko here let him in. I took the money and put it away in the other room, he then asked to go to the toilet knowing that he has to go through the living area to get there so he could easily check if i was on my own. He went to the toilet and came out, i remembered last time how he did this then ran up right behind me as i was showing him back in the room (this is my worst fear if someone bangs me on the head with something while running up behind me), i let him go first into the room this time.

Appointment started. He was having just oral. I had knelt in front of him while he sat on the bed, he started feeling my boobs litterally like he was milking a cow and that isn't even a joke. I told him to be more gentle, with this he asked to stand, no problem. He stood and started calling me a whore. I ignored him. He then tried to face fuck me with his stupid little limp cock, while grabbing my hair from the top. I was getting pissed off my now and just wanted him out.

He then somehow went from standing to grabbing me and pushing me on the bed and crawling on top of me, i think he was trying to rape me but whatever he was trying to do wasn't right, i shouted WHAT THE FUCK? With this i think i startled him as i am quite small and quiet. I managed to wiggle away and said 'I think you better leave, or ill call the police'.

With this i shut the door and ran to the front room, he left.

I was shaking for almost an hour. I do think he was going to rape me.

I am stupid for seeing this man, my instincts told me not to and i still did as i needed the money. NEVER AGAIN. His stupid money is and was not worth my safety. Sometimes i wonder when a man pays an escort does he think he has the right to treat her like some kind of whore or something worse than this?

Stay safe girlie's...

Love N' Hugz.

"Who care's what anyone say's...If you've got it...Flaunt it!!!!  :-*


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Re: Assulted By Client Norwich Norfolk.
« Reply #1 on: 16 February 2011, 11:47:56 pm »
Mak, please don't blame yourself - nobody makes good decisions all the time and I doubt there's many ladies on here who haven't let a bad one slip through the net against their better judgement. Look after yourself and don't forget you spoke up and got rid of him by yourself too.

If possible and you feel up to it, please post some information that might help other ladies avoid him - mobile number with last two digits censored, any first name he used (or AW nick if that was it), rough age and physical description would all give others something to go on.

Please think about reporting him to the police too if you're feeling stronger - he could potentially be very dangerous and there are only so many ladies we can reach here.

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Re: Assulted By Client Norwich Norfolk.
« Reply #2 on: 17 February 2011, 12:29:01 am »
mak this was absolutly NOT your fault in any way shape or form nor were you stupid,  you were very brave to stand your ground and get him out. its ok looking back after the event and wishing you hadnt gone against your instincts, (i know first hand) but the fact is you shouldnt, nobody should be in that position in the first place, it is unacceptable to treat women like this and HE is the one in the wrong and one day he will pay the price for that im sure. sending hugs xx
« Last Edit: 17 February 2011, 12:31:56 am by leeds escort »

Shelly ISVA

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Re: Assulted By Client Norwich Norfolk.
« Reply #3 on: 22 February 2011, 11:32:59 pm »
Mak, how awful for you-I hope you are ok....

totally echo what amy & leeds escort have said, dont beat yourself up-we are all human & make mistakes, its life & sh** happens...

If you are feeling up to it, you can contact a local isva and have a chat? If you let me know what area you are in, i will put you in touch with your local contact.

Also, please think about reporting it formally as this guy clearly is a risk to all working ladies. If you need help with this-pm me & will do whatever I can. If you cant, do post a warning on here to warn all the other ladies

What happened to you is in law-attempted rape, its a crime and you have rights

Big loves & stay safe

Shelly x


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Re: Assulted By Client Norwich Norfolk.
« Reply #4 on: 25 February 2011, 07:44:42 pm »
Hello Everybody,

Thank you for all your messages and advise. I did contemplate giving up on working as i have been working a very long time and i am sick of men trying to do bad stuff to me, but i am giving it one last chance.

This man was in his late 30s to early 40s, maybe mid 40s. He looked like a hill billy, had greying hair and menacing eyes, i know this doesn't narrow it down a lot. I think he may be in the meat trade as it said that on the side of his van. I have got his real name. If anyone did want it.

As for going to the police, i would never consider it, the police round here are absolutely useless and judgemental, they wouldn't look at me as an individual, i would proberly just be stereotyped. It would be his word against mine, as a working man with a proper job he would proberly have more rights than me, the prostitute who doesn't have another job.

Stay safe girlie's...

Love N' Hugz.

"Who care's what anyone say's...If you've got it...Flaunt it!!!!  :-*