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Author Topic: assaulted in leeds  (Read 15699 times)

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assaulted in leeds
« on: 10 December 2010, 12:19:56 pm »
hello, ive only just joined today for the sole purpose of reporting an assault, i do read this site and find it very helpful just sorry my first post is such a negative one. i was assaulted yesterday 9th december in my appartment in leeds. the guy is a painter and decorator (can tell with clothing and have googled his number which confirms this). he is apprx 5'9" and medium build, white, light brown hair, i know not a great description but his eyes were very striking and i think quite long lashes. he calls himself paul and i do believe this however can only say so much as i am definatly pressing charges (he is in custody now and have every reason to believe he will be remanded, again cant discuss why for obvious reasons). he has visited me on a couple of occasions and phone rang minute he came through door, he said he had to leave for work on one occasion and had to pick his daughter up on the other occasion, both times walking through to my lounge (in hindsite i guess to see if i was alone), he came on one occasion for a service and was a nice guy (or so i thought!) but after service looked round appartment (i know i broke every rule there but have definatly paid for that) and left without any problems. yesterday however was very different, he arrived and when i asked for the money he made a big deal of needing loo first, he came out of bathroom and said hed left his wallet in the van and would be back in 5 mins, he did come back and when i again asked for the money he launched at me without saying a word, the first punch to the back of the head floored me and can only describe what insued for a few seconds after was a sustained attack, no words were spoken by him. luckily i did have security with me in the building and he was dragged off me very quickly. as i have said im sorry for such a bad post but i firmly believe this guy was out to do massive damage and not just scare. if anyone else has had anything similar happen pls contact me as for my safety and that of all other girls i can not possibly live with myself if i didnt take this as far as i can


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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #1 on: 10 December 2010, 01:10:16 pm »
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm glad you survived that violent criminal's hideous assault and I hope he goes to prison and rots there forever. >:( And thank you for posting this warning; it's so strong to try to help others in this way, especially now.

I hope that if you need anything else, you'll feel free to post here - we are all here to help. ((hugs))
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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #2 on: 10 December 2010, 01:16:25 pm »
thankyou and yes i agree i hope he goes down for a long time, i will certainly do all in my power for that to happen. like i said i couldnt forgive myself if i didnt report this and someone got the same treatment or worse, as i cant stress enough that he seriously was out to do massive damage. i forgot to mention i would say he is in his late 30s (i think, never been great on ages). i really hope this helps and i do have his number if anyone needs it, havnt posted here as unsure if allowed, thanks girls x


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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #3 on: 10 December 2010, 04:17:12 pm »
thankyou and yes i agree i hope he goes down for a long time, i will certainly do all in my power for that to happen. like i said i couldnt forgive myself if i didnt report this and someone got the same treatment or worse, as i cant stress enough that he seriously was out to do massive damage. i forgot to mention i would say he is in his late 30s (i think, never been great on ages). i really hope this helps and i do have his number if anyone needs it, havnt posted here as unsure if allowed, thanks girls x

You can post his number but you must hide two digits (i.e. 01234 **7 890), just to protect the forum because even a criminal can try to take legal action against us if they find we're publicly listing potentially unsafe information about them.

Of course, privately you can give as detailed information as possible (PMs etc). :) Do you think the police will be circulating an image of this guy? Although it sounds like he's such a nasty piece of work that the police already have a lot of stuff against him; again, I frankly hope he never sees freedom again, especially considering how coldly pre-meditated his attack clearly was. >:(

I think you're doing the right thing here - but don't forget that nothing you did could ever have made you deserve this happening, so you must treat yourself kindly at this time and try to take care of yourself as best as possible. Letting a man look in your sitting room doesn't mean you signed yourself up for an attack - only the attacker himself is to blame about such a thing; if he'd just never been born the world would be better off, and there's no two ways about it. You had security in the building and you were cautious throughout so you did absolutely anything that anyone could expect.

Do you have a security buddy or other friend(s) in your area who know the situation? I hope you don't have to be dealing with this alone (although, of course, the whole forum is here for you, too!) especially when dealing with the police etc, I've heard that part can be traumatic enough in itself. :-\
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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #4 on: 10 December 2010, 04:37:46 pm »
You can post his number but you must hide two digits (i.e. 01234 **7 890), just to protect the forum because even a criminal can try to take legal action against us if they find we're publicly listing potentially unsafe information about them.

It is specifically the LAST two digits that should be hidden; randomly scattering asterisks about is fine for the Data Protection  Act but not a lot of use in the Search box if people are trying to check somebody who has contacted them. It is IDENTIFYING information which cannot be listed, but as EMily says, do feel free to pass the number on via PM  :).

LE, I'm assuming you have reported to the police already, but you could also contact Genesis which is your local project - details can be found here. They can pass on the information to alert other ladies and will also support you with reporting if you haven't done so yet.

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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #5 on: 10 December 2010, 05:08:33 pm »
thankyou for all your support it really is apprechiated. im lucky in that im quite a strong person anyway and tend to just get back on the horse (so to speak) if i fall off, not that anything like this has ever happened to me before thankgod dont think my nerves could take it!. however i think the severity of what has happened is begining to now kick in, and more of the what could have happened which shouldnt be dwelled on i know. im still waiting a call from the police and to be honest dealing with them (not that they havnt treated me kindness) is almost as scary, i think the grey area scares us all in this kind of thing although i have always worked alone, i do worry about names in papers etc as not sure if that would happen, however if there was a threat of that i dont think i could continue with this no matter how much i want girls protected or how much i want him to pay for this. his number is 079867970**. i do hope you all stay safe and i will do my best to sort this so its one less basta** to cause us any harm xx


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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #6 on: 11 December 2010, 06:37:36 am »
Hi there,
Sorry to hear about your attack and i hope you feel better soon.
This guy sounds very similar to a guy i used to see he was called paul and was a painter to.He said he came from preston.It will be at least 6 years since it happened to me but it is very similar to what you have said.Pm me if you want to know more.
Love Cat x
Your a young mans fool and old mans darlin x

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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #7 on: 11 December 2010, 10:08:50 am »
i dont think he ever said where he from to me, but i dont think he had a preston accent (again im rubbish at accents though). he is in court this morning and there is an application for remand being put in by the police, so i hope to god they get it as i feel safe when i know where he is ;D.  im unsure if the police will be able to circulate a picture of him (i havnt asked them this), this is obviously going to court and we know everyone has to have a fair trial, however there is no doubt that it is him as he was still here when the came and arrested him. i just hope the justice system works for me as if he gets out ill never feel safe again.

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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #8 on: 11 December 2010, 09:06:58 pm »
just a quick update to say im dissapointed that i cant yet give you an update. apparantly he did go to court this morning and i still dont know if he has been remanded or not! despite me making 3 phone calls to find out, each time i was told they would contact me, and yes each time they havnt. i now have been told there is nobody there  that can tell me until monday at the earliest. i cant describe how i feel now apart from scared, let down etc etc etc, i feel i shouldnt have bothered!!!!  if this is how we are treated its no wonder girls are reluctant to inform them as i know i for one wish i hadnt

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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #9 on: 11 December 2010, 10:23:09 pm »
wish id have waited an hour before posting that last message. just had a huge change of events, my last call has obviously been discussed with someone, and a very sympathetic police officer has rung me to appologise and to say he is personnaly going to the home of the officer who should have updated the system to find out and is ringing me very shortly ;D  fingers crossed, im probably posting too many times on this but i guess i can blame nerves

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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #10 on: 11 December 2010, 11:39:20 pm »
well girls, not the result i was praying for >:(. he was granted bail and has a tag and a curfew between 9pm and 7am!!!!!!! he is in court again tuesday where basically it will be refered to crown court nothing more oh and the horrible man that calls him his solicitor is going to try to even stop his curfew!!! hope he can sleep with that decision :-[ >:( >:( >:(. im absolutly devastated (maybe the biggest understatement of my life). this is the courts decision and i have to accept that, not the polices, finding it very hard to swallow and have no doubt ill have quite a few down moments. the only concellation is that i was told when he was questioned he was "very honest", the tw** ill give him fu**ing honesty. sorry for using swear words albeit with a little edited out. if i get my day in court ill nail the bast*** if its the last thing i do. wont rant anymore as dont want to put anymore of a downer on this and ill save your eyes from the inevitable headache. thanks again for everyones messages and dont forget us girls are 10000% better than this scum of the earth, shame the public and courts cant see that eh, take care and ill post again if i ever get him for this :o


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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #11 on: 12 December 2010, 12:27:36 am »
Hey I've been in a similar situation but nothing to do with work, I've pm'd you.


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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #12 on: 12 December 2010, 07:25:28 am »
So sorry to hear this.  I'm glad you went to the Police and he's been arrested, but not at all surprised he's been bailed. Same thing happened to me in 2007  before I was escorting.
We're all here for you, but realise for legal reasons you can't say too much.
Thank GOD you had security!
Love and hugs Daisy xxx


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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #13 on: 12 December 2010, 08:57:15 am »
I'm so sorry about this result, and so sorry too for the others who have been through something similar. :(

Do let us know if there are any more developments and please remember that we're here for you, you can post here as much as you like and if you need anything, please just let us know.

I live in hope that one day violent crimes against women will be recognized for their truly shocking, terrible nature and not shrugged off as "oh, another one" just because they are so common. Ugh. Mustn't rant. But it's revolting. >:(
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Re: assaulted in leeds
« Reply #14 on: 12 December 2010, 01:34:10 pm »
*Hug* I hope he gets the worst prison sentence. My last boyfriend was in jail and he told me that guys that come in assualts on women get hard times in prison. Doesn't matter what the woman does for a living, it is still not right. Keep strong hun xxx