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Author Topic: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]  (Read 26998 times)


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I hope this is the appropriate place to write this.
A certain punter who might be known to some has had some sort of an aggressive meltdown.
It has happened over the last few days, and although this line of work does attract some weird ones I felt it important to share as I think he could be potentially dangerous.

This individual is very manipulative and has a reputation of being obsessive, inappropriate and somewhat unstable.
Girls are reluctant to see him and he therefore makes multiple AW and Twitter accounts in order to create a disguise and meet them.
Girls only realise who he is when they have compared notes.

Although so far he has been fine during a booking his online behaviour has become more and more malicious as of late.

He recently went on a rampage of threatening both WGs and their clients.
Threats of 'destroying' lives and relationships, evicting people and mainly threats to 'out' them to family, neighbours etc
He began insulting, harassing and abusing members publicly and by PM.

He found several girls facebook profiles and posted photographs of them (which of which had a WG and her child) including their real full names.

He also posted a photograph of a punter, his real name, his wife's names- whom he then called and outed him to her.

He threatened to girls he's met that he knows where they live and described personal details about their homes. As well as threats to evict them.

It was quite disturbing to watch and eventually ended with him threatening to kill himself if certain girls refused to see him.

I feel upset for any of the men or women who might have been affected, which is why I am posting this, so girls can update this if they have any new  information/new identities in the future... As he ended his meltdown episode saying that he would get his revenge on prossies as he has multiple accounts.

I would sincerely avoid this one if possible, very hateful and very much into emotional blackmail.

Known AW names- asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion

Known Twiiter accounts - @mmcfly88mph @colombo777

Known phone numbers- 074971413**  079312769**  077075255**  077378859**  079762487** 074377232**  074377101**

Description- Short Indian (5'5" approx) man in his fifties, has an Indian accent, smooth skin, no facial hair, brown eyes, not fat or thin- bit of a belly, brown eyes, 80's style clothes. Quite nervous and excitable. Overly complimentary in both person and AW feedback. Very much into sloppy DFK and salvia exchange.

Area- Hounslow

Uses the name Kevin/Kam

Feel free to PM

Stay safe
« Last Edit: 03 October 2015, 02:58:01 am by AngelHaynes »


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #1 on: 29 September 2015, 09:38:02 am »
Angel, it's not clear whether you have been directly affected by this man or whether this is just third party hearsay?

If it's the latter, then it's not enough to merit posting somebody's details in a warnings sections and one of the people who can post from actual experience needs to do so.


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #2 on: 29 September 2015, 09:43:21 am »
Sorry for not making that clear.

I have had direct messages from this person threatening to out' me.

Upset and scared at the moment


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #3 on: 29 September 2015, 10:10:31 am »
Even I have heard of this man. He's insane.


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #4 on: 29 September 2015, 10:15:53 am »
Even I have heard of this man. He's insane.

I appreciate this (and thanks for clarifying Angel :)), but for the benefit of everybody else, the equivalent of 'I read somewhere on the internet that X bloke is a nutter' is not sufficient grounds for a warning on here. Nobody is expected to identify themselves or anybody else, but if somebody is going to accuse someone else of warning-worthy behaviour you have to both be able and prepared to substantiate it, or not only do we all just look like twats, but it doesn't help anyone. Save it for Twitter.

If multiple people have been affected, no doubt some of them will step up soon. Everybody else can read it when they do :).


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #5 on: 29 September 2015, 10:24:18 am »
I have nearly 100 screenshots proving his abuse and 'outing' towards myself and others.


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #6 on: 29 September 2015, 10:51:58 am »
Well anybody who wants to see then can PM.

Even though a mobile would be helpful it's really not that important as somebody as calculated as this sounds is likely going through SIMs like we do condoms, so please don't worry about not having a number. As said, it sounds likely that somebody else involved will see this and be able to add some pieces to the picture - this is exactly the sort of thing this section is for :).


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #7 on: 29 September 2015, 01:55:36 pm »
Following a couple of PMs I've had, I'll also remind anybody who's concerned about being identified and doesn't want to post publicly that they can PM any of the moderation or admin team with info and we can do it, or for those who aren't registered on the forum, email the SAAFE admin address on the main site :).


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #8 on: 29 September 2015, 06:37:47 pm »
Both Mobile numbers used by this punter:074971413**,  079312769**

[Mobile numbers censored - PLEASE read rules before posting in this section]
« Last Edit: 29 September 2015, 07:30:10 pm by amy »


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #9 on: 29 September 2015, 08:22:01 pm »
He uses name Kevin (not sure if real)


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #10 on: 29 September 2015, 10:09:51 pm »
Hi he is dangerous I think.
« Last Edit: 29 September 2015, 10:14:06 pm by curvygirl6768 »


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #11 on: 29 September 2015, 10:21:31 pm »
Hi CG and welcome to SAAFE

This section isn't for discussion, but it's worth pointing out that this is one of many threads we have here demonstrating that Adultwork feedback is meaningless.

As for the specifics, according to the OP this 'meltdown' incident occurred at some point very recently/over the last few days, so it would be unsurprising that this punter is trying to make contact with people he hasn't met previously if he's pretty much burned his bridges elsewhere. Nobody here can tell you what to do or who to book any more than we can answer your questions about what a total stranger is thinking, but without knowing anything about the detail I think most of us would suggest applying caution here - do you really need the hassle for the sake of a few quid?

You could always PM if you want more info, although I'd remind everybody here (including the posters on this thread) not to give any information out about themselves (or which could compromise their anonymity, should they wish to maintain it) to random strangers via the messaging system, either.


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #12 on: 29 September 2015, 10:30:12 pm »
Amy I deleted most of my message. what I meant was he has good AW fb on both his user names. they are from girls with best feedback. also repeat girls with good AW fb. Why girls repeat with him if he is dangerous? they keep seeing him and give positive fb. this is confusing. how can AW feeback be fake for those well respected girls? very confused.


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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #13 on: 29 September 2015, 10:35:55 pm »
Well there was no need to delete the post, but threads in this sections are for people to add important information that could help others and so they need to be concise, specific and easy for everyone to read without getting cluttered up by off topic stuff :).

The OP has said that this punter is fine during actual bookings and has only recently started misbehaving, so that would account for at least some of it. If you'd like to discuss how crap Adultwork feedback is generally, please start a thread in the AW section, or add to one of those that are already there.
« Last Edit: 29 September 2015, 10:37:37 pm by amy »

Daisy flowers

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Re: asianbeast, martymcfly88mph, DFK Champion: London [was: Client meltdown]
« Reply #14 on: 29 September 2015, 11:08:56 pm »
I am really confused, I have seen this guy plenty of times and spoke to him online and have never had a problem? What is going on?