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Author Topic: Crowley TW potancionaly dengerous  (Read 1359 times)


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Crowley TW potancionaly dengerous
« on: 12 October 2015, 06:55:34 pm »
this was  happened  just   right now I'm  so  nervous

he made  booking  via   txt not bad ...  we are  for  booking   for  6 pm in  my hotel ...  5.15   he txt me  about he is in my place but he  will wait  in lobby ..... after he  come  up..  Probably  British huge  guy   light  hair  he asked  me for  toilet  so he   used.. after  he told me  he left his  valet in  lobby... h e will be back in 5  min ( in my head  was hmm  u will never  come  back-i  think we all know this, forget  valet in car  et etc )

after couple min   i txt   him if  u don't want  stay  with me  just  say this i will don't  kill  u ...... he no i really want i  just wait   when  will return my  valet  x..  next  massage   if its  this ok ....  my answer ok  i will wait  if it  this  will be not  for  ever lol .... he do  u   do  owo?  i don't answer  because i  clearly all say in my profile  and  i find   weird discussing after 3 hours  what  we confirm meeting ... after  next 10 min  i txt him    i don't want be rude  but i   hw long i will wait  ...   he after  next 5 min  u joking  about  owo ....   me   excuse me ?   and he started send me   just really  explicit  txt  like  if  i want  his ' cock   and blah blah  i still  in your lobby ...i don't answer ...

now i just  sit   on my  bed and thinking   if  he  report me  in reception   or  not, if  he  will do  something   to me   etc ....   :-\ ???

Im looking  for apartment  in London