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Author Topic: Anyone come across david, gloucester, bristol area. Having problems with him  (Read 1380 times)


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Hi, is there anyway on here of checking a phone number on here to see if he has caused problems with anyone else? I met 'david' , (6'3, in his 50's, balding and comes across as a bit slow)and he became quite obsessed. He is from the Gloucester area but I know he has seen girls in Bristol and bridgwater areas. Since seeing him he has become obsessed with me. Messaging all times day and night. He wanted a relationship, wanted me to give up work, calling me names etc. He says if I continue working he is prepared to go to prison for me.....whatever that means. Anyone else came across him. I can pm you his surname and number if I am not allowed to publish it on here 


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SS, this section is not for discussion and should only be used to post information - if you don't know whether you can post something, I'd guess you haven't read the posting rules for warnings. They're here.

The Search box is at the top right of the page, or here. To search for a phone number, type it in without spaces and with the last two number censored like this: 012345678**, and assuming that anybody who has posted it has done so in the correct format, any previous reports about it ought to appear :).