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Author Topic: Anika's latest post on PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING sticky.  (Read 1797 times)


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Anika's latest post on PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING sticky.
« on: 15 January 2010, 11:59:09 am »
Just thought I'd try to bring everyone's, especially seasoned members attention to the latest guide, which will make using the Warning ansd Wasters section easier for everyone to use and personally I'm thankful for the reminder on how to publish phonenumbers.

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Re: Anika's latest post on PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING sticky.
« Reply #1 on: 22 February 2010, 12:21:24 pm »
As there seems to be some confusion as to how to post phone numbers properly in this section (I have just checked the first page and not a single one has been added in the correct format), I would urge members once again to read Anika's post here.

The reason for posting mobile numbers in a consistant way is so that other members can search for them using the box on the t0p right if a client suspected of being up to no good gets in touch with them. Anyone, member or not, can type in the number they have for the client and replace the last two digits with asterisks; if these are randomly dotted about it doesn't work.

Please read this information again before posting. It is there to help all of us.