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Author Topic: ambush attempt in HEATHROW bath rd hotel  (Read 1986 times)


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ambush attempt in HEATHROW bath rd hotel
« on: 26 October 2021, 10:24:33 pm »
incident happened 26/10 today at a famous hotel chain on bath road hotel KNOWN for working girls

very suspicious happening as I checked in yesterday and only saw my long term regulars all smooth - &  today , 2 bald Eastern European men lurked outside my hotel door as I watched them stroke my door & examine my locks and try to look through the magic eye on the door.

Meanwhile, my long term client is coming in and drops me a text regarding the concern of these 2 men at my door, one was on the phone and one man even had my PROFILE AD open on his phone. My client is a very tall , big man so he saw every detail.

The men went and my client comes in , extremely uneasy, shaky, pays for an hour but stays 15 min.

My thoughts is that reception keeps an eye out for single ladies who check in. Informing third party (?)

I am sure these men would attempt to rob me at some point