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Author Topic: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.  (Read 5343 times)


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Hello Everybody,

Well, here i am again, posting yet another bloody warning about this same man, i mean am i proper stupid or something? Here's the last thread: Titled 'Update on 'warning to all girls'.

This post was posted on November 05, 2009. So it was a long time ago.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I took a phone call of AW. Number displayed etc. Man had never been before, directed him. Doorbell goes, man i recognise for some reason but me with my bloody stupid memory forgot why i remembered him. Let him in, ran through prices. He started saying to me "You know theres a recession on don't you", i just ignored him. He then said to me 'Why are you doing this?' i again ignored him and said 'I'm just going to pop this out, make yourself comfortable, ill be back in less than 2 minutes'. I took the money and hid it up in the other room, i had heard him mutter something before i left the room about hiding the money up, this made me a bit paranoid and i had a really bad gut instinct that this man was going to hurt me or something, the instinct was so bad that i hid my money up in a different place, rang my partner and told him to come up and unlocked the door so he could get in.

The appointment started with him saying 'So are you going to tell me why you do this then?' I felt uncomfortable with the aggression i could hear in his voice, so i said abruptly 'Because i choose to'. He then started talking about my partner saying, 'Does your partner know what you do?' I said 'Yes' thinking if he knew i had a partner he wouldn't try anything, all the time i was thinking i should terminate the appointment as he was making me uncomfortable. It then clicked to why i recognised him and i felt sick, my heart started beating so hard that i started shaking, i thought ill play it safe and keep on the side of the bed that keeps me close to the exit. He then says, 'Come this side of me' referring to the other side of the bed, i say 'No i like to stay this side' Before i had even finished this sentence, he started going on with himself, saying 'No you will go this side'. I cant remember anything else of what he said cause i started shouting saying 'I remember who you are, you better well get your fucking clothes on and get out, i want you to leave. I'm not comfortable with you being here and I'm calling for help right now'.

With that i left the bedroom and ran in the living area got half Way dressed, i heard the sensor go off which means someone was near the back door, i looked on the camera and another man stood there. My client let himself out i ran to the door and let the man in asking if he had got a good look at him, i was crying and shaking, the poor man, he tried to comfort me but i said that help was coming and he said he better leave, turns out he was the man who rang from AW so the guy who could of assaulted me was just a chancier.

I cant believe i have been so stupid again, this is the third time he has done this to me, i know it sounds really stupid but the first time i saw this man he tried to rape me in the arse. I can remember it was him for definite, last time he told me he was 72, because i commented on it by saying he was my mums age, this time he told me he was 66 and partially blind, this was definitely a lie to gain my trust or to make me feel sorry for him or something along those lines.

Description not very good, i recon around 55 - 60 grey hair, it was his eyes that stood out though because they are staring evil looking and the pop out a bit, medium height and smartly dressed. He nearly always stinks of alcohol but you cant smell it till you get close. This time he seemed very drunk, but not till he was in the room and undressed.

I wont see this man ever again, he is engraved in my mind now. All i remembered from before was when i gave him oral, the way he pulled my hair and dug his nails into my scalp so severely that i had raised areas and it was sore for 3 days at least. Then he went on to say he was going to fuck my arse, when i said no he sad with a raised tone 'Yes i am'.

This man is not right in his head, he cant be, sorry this is a long one but i needed to get it off my chest. I was so angry hes lucky he left walking. Next time he comes i will report him to the police after i have taken a picture of him first. I think that he gets of on scaring girls, maybe he has done this a few times. Hes definitely confident enough.


Stay safe.

Love N' Hugz.

"Who care's what anyone say's...If you've got it...Flaunt it!!!!  :-*


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #1 on: 19 April 2011, 10:09:07 am »
This guy is a psychopath and sounds very dangerous and If he hasn't done something really bad, eventually he will. If you read the profiles of the Steve Right's and the Anthony Hardy's you'll learn that's how they  "operated" on their punts.  This guy didn't end up harming you because you were in your apartment and you were not alone, if you were a street girl in a lonely park at night the story would have ended very differently.   If I were you I would consider a little trip to the never know. Have there been any "missing girls" in your area the last couple of years? He might be a "person of interest" to them...

Besides, this is the third time he's tried to attack you so at this point you have more than enough reasons to go file a complaint or get a restraining order.
« Last Edit: 19 April 2011, 10:37:30 am by Ana30 »
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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #2 on: 19 April 2011, 10:16:41 am »
Totally agree, this guy should be reported asap.


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #3 on: 19 April 2011, 10:49:37 am »
I agree with the other girls

But I hope your not too shaken up, this kind of thing can be terrifying xxx


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #4 on: 19 April 2011, 11:24:02 am »
Besides, this is the third time he's tried to attack you so at this point you have more than enough reasons to go file a complaint or get a restraining order.

It's definitely true that you don't need to wait for this man to draw blood, Mak., before informing the police about him. The fact that he's so confident in getting away with it that he'll harass and threaten and hurt the same woman two or more times? Not a good sign. Please do consider giving the police the full story (of course you can withhold your personal details if you need to) of his behaviour, and the reasons why you think he is almost certainly a danger to yourself and other women in the area, as well as any contact information you have for him.

At the very least, the police should put something on file which could help you or another woman in the future if, God forbid, this nutjob strikes again.
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #5 on: 19 April 2011, 03:45:29 pm »
Hope ur ok hun,
This guy sounds like a right nutter, and very dangerous, I agree with the other girls in regards to contacting police, I have had a couple of nasty incidents with clients before and have gone to the police and I have  told them I am an escort and they have been very supportive and helpful, xxx


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #6 on: 19 April 2011, 05:41:12 pm »
Hope ur ok hun,
This guy sounds like a right nutter, and very dangerous, I agree with the other girls in regards to contacting police, I have had a couple of nasty incidents with clients before and have gone to the police and I have  told them I am an escort and they have been very supportive and helpful, xxx

I'm so sorry this happen to you babes, I  agreed with Nikkita and all the other Ladies.

When I first start out a year ago as a indie - I had a problem went  and told the police everything they was so helpful  and supportive to me - that how I find out some clients have so many sim cards and change there voice to tick you etc...

So far so good and I have not had any face to face problems with anyone since. Thank the lord you had security also. I also always work with security - no security I do not work. Even with clients I have met more than onces.
Xx Xx.


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #7 on: 20 April 2011, 10:21:20 am »
Next time he comes i will report him to the police after i have taken a picture of him first. I think that he gets of on scaring girls, maybe he has done this a few times. Hes definitely confident enough.

Go and report him now! You never know what will happen next time... Consider it a service you're doing for yourself and other girls in the area. Just read your previous warning and you mentioned you got his number plate, that will help the police too. No point waiting for him to come around again so you can take his picture.

Sorry this has happened to you x
« Last Edit: 20 April 2011, 10:26:52 am by Magnolia »


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Hello everyone,

Thank you for all your replies, i was a little shaken up and very ashamed of myself for being so stupid, i should have gone with my gut instinct. I do want to report this man to the police, but myself and police have our differences, i have been working in this industry for 11 years now on and off, and the police in this area are not very good, they are very judgemental and look at you like a piece of shit, not a person. I have had my work money seized off me before and not been given it back for over 3 months.

So i am in a bit of a position really, if i don't report it, something might happen to someone else, if i do report it, I'm going to be treated like shit and made to feel that it was in some way, it was my own fault.

Any ideas on this one, there is one thing that is stuck in my mind from that day and its when he said to me 'No you will go this side' he kind of laughed with it as-though to say, no believe me you will sit this side. It was the same laugh that he did when he basically told me he was going to rape me in the arse on our first appointment. I don't know why its stuck in my mind so badly, maybe its because i felt like he was really taking the piss.


Love N' Hugz. 

Stay safe and listen to that gut instinct.

"Who care's what anyone say's...If you've got it...Flaunt it!!!!  :-*


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #9 on: 21 April 2011, 11:51:02 am »
Could you go to a different police station/area altogether to report him? Or maybe contact some prostitution support networks (maybe someone else could point you to the right direction with some links or contact details, I'm not that familiar with the support networks myself) that could help you with reporting it so you won't feel you're struggling alone with this.

Must be horrible when the police are judgmental, especially when you haven't done anything illegal. Why on earth would they take your earnings??


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #10 on: 25 April 2011, 07:04:00 pm »

There are cases where the Police have used various laws in which to hold money, which is suspected to be linked to criminal activity. Don't know if you remember the case of the school-girl escort a year or two back?Police confiscated all her earnings which she had stashed away in the attic, and kept them.

It does need to be reported I know of organisations in various areas who can approach the police of behalf of girls, who liaise with them to make sure you are heard and treated correctly.

Shelly who posts here sometimes might be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #11 on: 25 April 2011, 07:18:04 pm »
I've already PM'd Mak with details of her local project and contacts that may be able to help, and hopefully she will contact them if she feels able to; I agree with everyone that as a long term repeat offender this man should be reported, but it's her call now.

Can I remind ladies that this section is for posting specific warnings about individuals/incidents and any information that may add to them, and request that any further discussions about the police or any other related issues be continued in another section. As has been stated numerous times before, messages of support are important, welcome and valuable but need to be sent via PM, not posted on the board.

Anybody who is not sure about the purpose of this section, what should be posted here and what should not, please read the 'Rules For Posting Warnings' Sticky thread at the top of this board.

Shelly ISVA

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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #12 on: 25 April 2011, 08:47:43 pm »
This is terrible Mak, this guy os extremely dangerous and needs to be reported NOW! Please pm me & I can report on your behalf as a 3rd party-I have great contacts who Amy has met, I trust them 100% & they have never let me down

Hope you are ok lovely xx


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Re: Am I stupid or something...Near Assault...Again...Norwich, Norfolk.
« Reply #13 on: 28 April 2011, 12:00:45 am »
Hello everybody,

Thank you for all your replies, Amy i have PM'd you. I do want to report it, but as i have stated i am just not feeling like i can.

My money was seized just like strawberry said, they thought it was from the proceeds of organised crime, which is near on ridiculous, as they were so hell bent on telling me i was lying and bla bla bla. I feel that i can never trust another police officer again. I even told them where the money was from and it just wasn't good enough. I did in the end get my money back. It should have never have been taken in the first place.


Love N' Hugz.

"Who care's what anyone say's...If you've got it...Flaunt it!!!!  :-*