good afternoon guys - ive spend all morning reading through the warnings - etc - im considering starting as an independant escourt - - the anxiety and fear - horror stories going through my mind - is putting me off - although ive never worked in the industry in britain - i do have years of experience of working as a champayne hostess in europe etc - and in the 7 yrs i did - i only had 1 near potentialilly dangerous experience - (thankgod the crack of dawn queue of bus passengers saved me) and can honesty say of all the guys i spent time with ,they were lovely nice guys - guys who id have dated - if hadnt met under the circumstances -if you get my drift .
ive never considered working in the uk up until now- as ive always been under the impression europeans are more relaxed and respectful of the trade - as it was the mafia who basically run the champayne bars - i always felt safe in the fact that 1stly they were bosses /directors of businesses etc and had a lot to lose reputation etc - plus the fact they were scared shitless of the gangsters whom ran the show - and thirdly the fact they would be easily traced - due to all parties being paid before hand through a creditcard transaction - 3rdly the fact i got to know my clients through just basic partying for days or even weeks before agreeing to private party .
as a novice to independent escourting in the uk - my head is over run with questions / questions - i have spent alot of time trying my best to research over the net - and reading through this site -
but i still have many issues i dont have answers to0 - and would be most greatful of any advice and guidance - through my experiences of working abroad - i thought i was fairly streetwise - clued up , i played on the dumb niave teenager persona - and because of this it gave me the ability to suss out - dodgy clients and turn down their offers - in the fact that when they were under the impression i was a dumb ass - theyd attempt to try take liberties , by testing the waters vocally - etc , if you know where im coming from - I dont know if its my age - 30,s - dont know about you lot but in my younger days - i just didnt seem to have fear - i seemed to trust my hunches , intuition more seemed to be more clued up - whereby as ive got older the unknown is leg trembling - nerve wreaking - head mashing scaryness - lol espeically the thought of working indepenedly -in my young years i guess i didnt trust anyone and had my guard up at all times - and over the years as i grew up - i let my guards down and been let down - im going off on a tangent now but if im not confident with my own judgement - am i not ready to introduce myself into this line of work - in one manner i feel dangerous situations can happen in everyday life - no matter what area of work or social setting a person is in - im thinking i should treat escourting indy as anyone would treat meeting random guys via a dating site safty etc - or am i just being naive and dumb -
* as a first timer would it be more sensiable to start off with an agency ? - but my issues with this option is the fact i wouldnt have a choice with regards to who i see - plus i feel the saftey issues would still be the same -
* should i try get into working from an organised apartment with other woman ?
Im unable to offer incalls at my own private place - but feel most uncomfortable with visting clients at their own home s - especially first intitial contacts
im under the niave impression that hotels are safer - but are they ?
Ive recently met up with a guy via a.w - who seems on first meet up - genuine enough - hes willing to be my driver - but again - can i trust him ? - im achually going to carry on meeting up with him for at last 3 mths - coffee etc - to get to know him as a person if hes got under hand motives - im sure they,ll rear their ugly heads sooner than later .
as a newby not knowing anyone working in real life - im feeling so isolated and fearful of waliking straight into a dangerous situation - im under the mindset that no matter what safety and sercuirty procedures i put in place - there is still a high risk of something going wrong - i mean for example the scented sheets topic - if i hadnt read about it here - id be none the wiser - and now im scared of other seemenly innocent traps - for all experienced ladies/guys who have been in the business years - can anyone say they have yet to come accross a unpleasent frightening / or near fatal experience - im thinking the worst- etc rape/being held hostage/violence ---- or is it a question your unable to answer - as i guess its a risk you take each and every time you meet up with a client - a way im glad im apprehensive rather than attempting to dive in feet first - but at the same time im thinking the longer i stew on it - the more my imagiation is running wild with horror scenarios lol - the funny thing is - i twice in my life gone away on holiday with two guys i bearly know and didnt have an any fear s - so why am i feeling it now . I enjoy male company - interact with the opposite sex better than my own - and ive done so many crazy things in life whereby looking back - ive never taking my saftey into account - and hey everythings been fun - no probs - i dont know if im more fearful - due to the fact im hoping to get clients via adultwork - and due to the fact the site seems to attract a certain clientelle im not most comfortable with - im thinking mama mera - i mean the one advantage about it -is the fact it has the feedback facility - but what about the guys who are newbys -- no feeedback etc - well i guess its my choice wiether or not i would meet those - anyway guys - ive waffled on and on - i opologise in advance for the poor lay out of my thread - and ive probably over loaded everyone with the issues and questions - but i guess im just offloading - and trying to declutter my confused mind - relating to the minefeild of escourting -- it is something i want to do so much - and i guess i wont be the first or last person who is apprenhensive about taking those first steps - and like they say - those very first steps will be the hardest - and im sure if and when i do - jump into - this new world that is beckoning me - ill be like - laughing at my self for being sooo fearful - but like anything new - its always scary . if anyone could put their two pennies worth /peciece in id be most grateful .