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Author Topic: Chester landlord trying to get sexual favours  (Read 3391 times)

emma stone xxx

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Chester landlord trying to get sexual favours
« on: 23 September 2020, 01:03:01 am »
Hi girls just a heads up there's a landlord in chester calls himself James thats a lie he's called Dave warning signs straight away.

He messages you on adultwork im positive he's been intouch a few times about an apartment to work from in chester.pleasant enough rents it for a month.first weekend I'm here keeps trying to get you to go to the pub.I don't drink so kindly refused.then Saturday night he knocks on my door drunk!

Asks if I have anything to drink so thought ok keep the landlord happy yes of course but I don't want to have 1 myself I want to get in a bath and go to bed as I have weekends off to relax.

Then rubbs my leg and tells me I have hairy legs and if that's not bad enough then makes a sleezy comment oh the electrician wants to book in with you....why don't you save me a bill and give him a service!!!! He means for free.

Then says he will make videos with me if I want and asif that wasn't bad enough insults me by saying my prices are to high :FF

So I went upstairs to run a bath I was fuming feeling my space and privacy invaded I wanted him out.

I ignored him an just carried on asif he wasn't there yet he still sat there for half an hour asking for more drink.

To find out that the apartment im renting off him is getting repossessed by the bank and he doesn't even pay the electric bill but I can move all my furniture in for 6 months as his flat is empty had to bring my own towels,bedding, tv,plates cutlery microwave.basically its an empty flat with a bed.

Eventually he left phewww then a couple of days later says I can no longer stay in apartment as he's rented it out on me and tells me I can leave all my stuff there if I like.

Also I'm sure he's been going into apartment when I'm not there as its a double lock and I always lock both and last weekend I stayed out for the night and only 1 was locked.

Hes creeping me out feel like he's listening watching and he lives next door so there's no getting away.

Second time I've rented off men and both times just leering trying to get into my knickers.

Be warned


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Re: Chester landlord trying to get sexual favours
« Reply #1 on: 23 September 2020, 06:56:53 pm »
Could we have the AW username/ID and a (properly censored) mobile number? It isn't a lot of help without either for people wanting to avoid this twat if they can't identify him :).

emma stone xxx

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Re: Chester landlord trying to get sexual favours
« Reply #2 on: 23 September 2020, 10:28:53 pm »
Hi yes sorry took me a while to find had to sift through emails.

His AW name is JamesC66 fancies himself as a male escort.

Oh and I forgot to mention the electrics keep tripping and there's a leak from the main bathroom I presume that's what's tripping electrics so place is unsafe aswell.

Hope this helps


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Re: Chester landlord trying to get sexual favours
« Reply #3 on: 27 April 2021, 11:33:16 pm »
I know someone who rents a room from him occasionally in Chester and he keeps messing her around changing days and sounds like an idiot in general. He acts a bit like a pimp and is jealous because he couldn't make money escorting.