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Author Topic: AGGRAVATING ALLY  (Read 3305 times)


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    • luscious lorissa
« on: 11 December 2009, 08:35:47 pm »
Hi Ladies, :o ???

On my  third night with new agency last night. Juts thought id warn you I went to a job somewhere near Radlett.

This is what happened:

I phoned the guy Ally when I arrived and went inside . H e was there with another bloke which is against the policy of the agency in any case. I was gonna say something  . Ally suggested me doing extra with his friend and I could earn more money.

I politely but firmly told him that  the booking doesnt work like that and I could see them both separately but they would have to pay separately.

So then the second guy left and i took the money rang my driver with my code word. Then the guy got weird. he asked what the money was for and he asked if I could see him outside of work hours.

Then  another guy came into the room and again Ally suggested extra.

So I then started getting dressed.d I rang the driver to say I had to check something. I made my excuses and left. As i was leaving Ally  was swearing and saying that I had done x y z amount of minutes and that he would not use  agency again.

I told him firmly that he had gone outside of what is allowed in the remit of the booking.  I told him that he should have specified what he wanted at the start of the booking.

Luckily the agency took my word and believed he was in the wrong and told him so and that under no circumstance was he allowed more than one guy in the room at the time.

Just thought i should warn you all.

Oh and this is not racist just some factual info to help. he sounds asian and  is very short in staure.

the number is07809**50**7

Other than than everything is going great

Lots of love to you all

« Last Edit: 11 December 2009, 08:41:44 pm by beebuzz »


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    • luscious lorissa
« Reply #1 on: 13 December 2009, 04:35:39 pm »
Hi ladies,

What i did not make clear is that more than one men kept coming in and out of the room and eventually I lost count......basically I had visions of a gang  you know what scenario . just to  try and get across the seriousness of the situation as to how it could potentially have gone...

llove and hugs



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« Reply #2 on: 14 December 2009, 08:50:23 am »
just to  try and get across the seriousness of the situation as to how it could potentially have gone...

Don't worry, I was thinking from the start that it sounded like a terrifyingly bad booking. The guys all sound like horrible creeps and I have no idea what they were thinking/planning.

I hope you're okay - sometimes it's a few days after something like this that the full negative impact can hit you. Stay aware of your own feelings and make sure to prioritize your own mental and physical safety, even if it means a break from work or changing your working methods etc.
Disclosure: The other person behind


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« Reply #3 on: 14 December 2009, 12:38:35 pm »
Likewise, I read your initial warning to show that different guys appeared in the room which I would find seriously alarming and unsettling.  The intention of whoever booked you was in my opinion not honest and shows intent on disrespecting both your and the agencies? rules.  Who knows if you had been less confident or savvy ? an ugly situation could have arisen and you could have ended up being gang raped.  So definitely a very unsavoury character that we need to be warned about.  I am relieved to hear that your agency has some integrity and backed you up.  Personally, I would have probably left and sounded alarm from the outset if I noticed anyone else being present other than the client.  However, unless you are actually in the situation it is hard to really know what the best solution is to leave unharmed and without the situation escalating.  Am glad to hear that you left albeit shaken but not physically hurt.   


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« Reply #4 on: 15 December 2009, 06:09:24 am »

Yup in hindsight I had every right to leave when I saw another guy there. But to be fair he did leave and he did say he would  leave us two it .

Luckily I have done this  work before so I manged as you said to be confident and savvy enough to get out in time. I dreads to think what would happen to a new person starting who is less savvy!

Also though it was a case of  what i call w omens intuition as i had that bad feeling when i spoke on phone and saw him in person

Oh well all is well that ends well I guess


  • Sr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: 15 December 2009, 06:12:18 am »

Thanks by the way for the supporting messages and thanks Emily for advice on re evaluation. As i say luckily I have done  this work before and am a tough cookie. over all i enjoy my work and I knew it wouldn't all be plain sailing.

There always is one dodgy person or someone who tries it on ..goes with the territory I guess.

Luckily most of the people who sue the agency are pretty decent and make up for the odd silly bugger........