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Author Topic: Agency using stolen photographs  (Read 1789 times)


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Agency using stolen photographs
« on: 09 February 2012, 11:16:10 pm »
Hi everyone,

I am furious and thought I should warn you of an agency in London that is stealing and using photographs without permission.   >:(  PM me for the name.

I worked for them 2 years ago for 2 months and had to repeatedly ask them to remove my profile and photos. They did, however they put them back up a couple of months later. Again I requested they take them down and now 6 months later they are back up. They refuse to take my calls and are refusing to take them down because of my 'attitude'! I sent them a very to the point email and text asking that they take them down. I was not rude, just blunt and they are being really unpleasant and threatening.  :FF

Does anyone have advice on what I can do to force them and what my legal stand is?

I am soo pissed off!!!!  >:(


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Re: Agency using stolen photographs
« Reply #1 on: 09 February 2012, 11:18:14 pm »
Just realised I can name and shame  ;D

The agency in question is Club Illrepute.

If any of you are considering joining, DON'T!!!



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Re: Agency using stolen photographs
« Reply #2 on: 10 February 2012, 11:50:45 am »

I am furious and thought I should warn you of an agency in London that is stealing and using photographs without permission.   >:(  PM me for the name.

Does anyone have advice on what I can do to force them and what my legal stand is?

First off it depends who owns the pictures, if its them very little and they have the right to use them.
If its you then there are a few things you can do including going to the hosts for breach of copywrite.


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Re: Agency using stolen photographs
« Reply #3 on: 10 February 2012, 05:54:30 pm »
As far as I know, Club Ill Repute is actually a reasonably well-know agency with punters as they are one of the few that risks operating in Dubai.  They are also quite well-known for having about 20 girls on their Dubai page when in actual fact on 3 or 4 are in the city.

I suggest that you go to the admins at the Captain 69 site and report fake and/or outdated pictures - as this will affect their business then hopefully they will remove your pics.  You could also go on a blogging/forum rampage... ;)