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Author Topic: Abusive punter (not met) on AW Essex/London  (Read 3032 times)


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Abusive punter (not met) on AW Essex/London
« on: 18 March 2009, 10:53:39 pm »
Called imran2222, made a bkg this evening but I had to decline as had already made other plans and so I sent a polite text. He replied with 5 abusive texts threatening to leave bad feedback and all sorts of nasty language. He has two numbers he's used to text me on and happy to supply on request over email. The funny thing is he does have two pieces of positive feedback on his profile but I wouldn't see him again under any circumstances. I got a very bad feeling about him

Lilly x
« Last Edit: 19 March 2009, 08:32:30 pm by Lilly1230 »


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Re: Abusive punter (not met) on AW Essex/London
« Reply #1 on: 30 April 2009, 09:11:16 pm »
Called imran2222, made a bkg this evening but I had to decline as had already made other plans and so I sent a polite text. He replied with 5 abusive texts threatening to leave bad feedback and all sorts of nasty language. He has two numbers he's used to text me on and happy to supply on request over email. The funny thing is he does have two pieces of positive feedback on his profile but I wouldn't see him again under any circumstances. I got a very bad feeling about him

Lilly x
hi mat again or mg what ever takes your fancy all this internet is new to me so left my number instead as i use my parents computer so hopping to hear from you, i havnt figured out how to use these sites properly yet i live on my own with my dog i live in essex and can travel if need be to london 


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Re: Abusive punter (not met) on AW Essex/London
« Reply #2 on: 30 April 2009, 10:35:12 pm »

This part of the forum is for warnings about dangerous punters and timewasters only. I suggest you post in another part.
