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Author Topic: Abusive e-mail timewaster, possibly dangerous - London - J** Lui  (Read 1858 times)


  • Jr. Member
  • **
  • Posts: 10
Hi everyone,

I am new here and just thought I would post a couple of warnings after some unpleasant incidents recently.

First off there is a guy who responded to my Craigslist ad and seemed completely normal at first. He called himself J** Lui and e-mailed me from this address:  j** He described himself as 'a 30 y/o londoner and about 5'7 tall with dashing looks to accompany. Dark hair with brown eyes and a cute smile. I am looking for something similar for this summer and am more than well off so thats not a prob.' He also said he is Malaysian English.

We swapped a couple of e-mails and everything seemed normal until I got this very strange one:

'I think ?100 every time we meet is good yeah. And of course where do you live as i cant at mine so we can go to yours and i expect sex everytime we meet and hope you are not doing this arrangement with anyone else yeah.
What is your height?? And stats pls
Shall we meet on monday or sunday and why do dinner thats too much time wasting or we can meet but i will not pay for that time ok as we are not doing anything but just getting to know each other.'

It would be funny if it weren't so offensive. After that his e-mails got more and more abusive; here are a few excerpts (terrible spelling and grammar preserved):

'Yeah i think  you better go find a mug for that kind of money.'
'listen a pussy is a pussy and no matter what you may say at the end of day they may say they are inteligent but all they want is a FUCK'
'was thinking of seeing you fucking your ass and then saying ohhh i forgo my walllet and making an exit. hahahahahah DOnt worry some other mug will no doubt'

At best this guy is an abusive idiot, at worst he could be quite dangerous in my opinion because he clearly hates escorts/all women. Please watch out and don't reply to any e-mails from him because he gets a kick out of arguing (thankfully I have now blocked him).

« Last Edit: 09 August 2010, 10:37:45 pm by mariyya »