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Author Topic: Abusive Boundary Pusher, Guildford, Surrey  (Read 1692 times)


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Abusive Boundary Pusher, Guildford, Surrey
« on: 04 February 2015, 03:17:14 pm »
I meant to report this guy  a long time ago but as he lives locally, it is still relevant for girls in the area or touring Surrey. I took a booking from an incall booking over the phone from a man called Phil who found me on AW. He sounded normal and passed my screening easily. His booking approach was straightforward.

When he turned up to visit me he was older than had he sounded on the phone. He is fairly tall, stocky and very fit for his age, late 60's early 70's, some grey/white hair but balding. He is has a very posh english accent and groomed/dressed well in typical 'retired businessman' smart/casual middle age clothes ie. smart trousers, shirt collar and jumper. He told me he is semi-retired business consultant. He also sees girls in London.

He showered and everything seemed fine until the sexual stuff started and he began saying things like  'am I his new girlfriend' and calling other escorts he'd seen 'girlfriends'. This made me uncomfortable and after I said 'darling I'm not your girlfriend' and ignored when saud it, he eventually stopped saying it. Booking went as normal and he left.

I advertised on AW as returning to Guildford a few weeks later and he requested a booking. As I had found the 'girlfriend' thing creepy and plus I prefer not to see guys over 60, plus he has a very large penis and I suspected he may have taken Viagra to last, I was unsure about booking him in, so said  I wasn't sure if I was going to go ahead with the visit, and I'd let him know.  On the day, the phone was very quiet so when he called to see if I was there, I ignored my instinct and took the booking as other than the girlfriend thing,  he was clean and well behaved. On this second booking he asked to rub against me without a condom and tried to  place it there a few times. I firmly told him to stop or he'd have to leave, and he stopped. I got through the rest of the booking without incident but was pissed off, and obviously knew I wouldn't book him again.

He then tried to book on a third visit, in advance through AW (unfortunately I can't remember the AW nickname). I declined by email but he was so persistent that I politely explained that I had felt uncomfortable with being called 'girlfriend' and the unprotected contact he requested. I was in no way unpleasant to him. He immediately posted very extreme, abusive and upsetting  'feedback only' to my profile and messaged me saying nothing of the sort  had happened. AW did remove the feedback thankfully and I blocked him.

About a week later he started to bombard my phone with messages and calls begging me to see him again, that he was sorry, and that no escort had ever not seen again. I was on the verge of threatening with the police when it stopped. He did try to message me and call again on and off over a period of about 4 months but not with the same intensity and then it eventually stopped completely. I do feel he is a danger as he does seem to have an arrogance and level of entitlement to see whoever he wants to, which I have only come across this once in five years of working. The speed at which he switched to violent, abusive and woman hating language was alarming, and then switched back to trying to charm me into seeing him again. I shudder to think what his intention was in being so desparate to see a girl who clearly didnt want to see him. The whole episode shook me up enormously at the time and I was too scared to go back to the area after that. I would seriously recommend girls to avoid him.
« Last Edit: 04 February 2015, 03:29:41 pm by Shelly5 »


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Re: Abusive Boundary Pusher, Guildford, Surrey
« Reply #1 on: 04 February 2015, 05:27:25 pm »
Regretfully I no longer have it as I don't have the phone anymore 😣

It just occurred to me that i didn't put anything up at the time and I though I really ought to just in case anyone has maybe seen him once and wasn't sure whether to see him again like I did. It may not be that helpful when screening but if someone does have him turn up and recognise from the description or name they would at least know to be wary, and not to book again, especially less experienced girls in the area which I think he thought I was .

He has a preference for early twenties (young looking) petite english girls. If it's helps I highly doubt he has changed his punting name from Phil as he seems to like being a 'known' client and makes frequent reference to his punting history.