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« on: 12 July 2011, 01:29:31 pm »
Copied with permission of the original poster who is a good friend of mine - Please read and stay safe ladies!!!
The guy is in from Grantham, the escort is from Burton-on-Trent and the swinging club in question is in Birmingham - hence the three areas mentioned in the title

"I'm sorry I haven't been around but I've been having a pretty hellish time.  I don't know whether any of you remember me mentioning a guy that I was having problems with a while back but its been absolutely awful.

He started off as a client and at first seemed really nice so I agreed to date him but it didn't take long for me to realise that firstly he had a very serious drink problem, secondly a really nasty temper and maybe the worst for me was seriously perverted sexually, he couldn't get off unless the sex was extreme, (by that I mean using baseball bats, pussy pumps etc on me, or watching me with lots of different men), thats why he would drag me round those swinging clubs then pound away at me for hours on end afterwards trying to relive everything he had made me do..

Since being with him I have been scared out of my whits.  He knew exactly what he was doing, always told me that he would never hurt me (physically) but had no qualms about hurting those around me, by that he meant friends and family.

He raped me on several occasions, forced me to do things that I really did not want to do (sexually), went into great detail about how he had killed someone in the past and made it plain that he would have no qualms about doing it again if I didn't comply, I had no reason to dislbelieve him, if you saw him, he looks a bit like an old boxer with a very squashed nose and growls and snarls like a rabid dog if I annoyed him in a very frightening way.  The list of things he has done is endless but ended up with him virtually keeping me a prisoner in my home, smashing my phone and alarm system here, being very nasty to my family so that they stayed away etc.  He was persistantly drunk and has a foul mouth, his attitude was..... She's a hooker and lets anyone do what they want so I can do what I want to her, he often reffered to me as 'The Old Slapper That Took It Up The Shitter'. very unpleasant man.

In the end my daughter in law got suspicious and rang my sons who came straight over and got the police.  He was removed, I left but had to return an hour later to get my clothes to stay at my sons and he had forced his way back into the property.  The police removed him again and took him to the station told him to leave.  Then I realised I had forgotten my medication (I've been really ill throughout all this), so back we went to see him staggering down the street absolutely drunk,  When I got to my home he had smashed everything he could get his hands on so that time they arrested him.  The police found monitors in my bedroom and some stuff that looked like torture stuff in the shed (long planks of wood with handcuffs and chains attached to it) along with notes that went into great sordid detail about what he was going to do to me.  He had also hung some of his clothes up in there along with a chair so it looks like he was sitting in there when I was in the house alone trying to catch me out with clients or listen in if I did have a client.  Luckilly I haven't been working for a long time so that didn't happen.  There were boxes of extreme porn (young girls being anally gang raped), he was obsessed with Anal by the way.

He admitted criminal damage and GET THIS!  Received a caution and told to stay away from me!.  He hasn't! and has been constantly phoning and writing, so the police arrested him again for harrassment.  This time he really went to town.  He had originally contacted me from one of those old magazine adverts (not one I placed I might add) and he took that magazine to the police.  Span them a right yarn so the CPS wouldn't prosecute, they did however leave the harrassment order open and he's still doing it so looks like they are going to have another go.

On top of that yesterday I sat through a six hour video police interview and told them absolutely everything.  They had to know about what escorting I had been doing because he is going to be arrested on the rape charges, they are also looking into this murder accusation too, which I'm pretty convinced is true because he went into too much detail for it not to be.

On thurs I go to court to get an injunction order with the power of arrest to stop him hassling my family and friends, he has contacted the DSS and told them all sorts of lies about my disabled son so that his benefits were temporarily stopped, he has left a message on Abbies answer phone saying that he's outed her to the press (don't think he will have done that though, think its idle threats to get to me).  He has one of my phones and is convinced the numbers in there are clients and is hassling them.  Luckilly the numbers are all family and a few contacts I got for Plenty of Fish so he's nothing there.  He also took a pile of old CD's with pictures I did for my old websites (they have to be over 9 years old by now but is threatenting to use them to expose me.

This morning I got another letter off him saying that he is going to book a girl to go to the private club(Birmingham) with him and he would appreciate it if I didn't go (as if, I only went with him there because he threatened my kids if I didn't), now I'm worried that he's going to be doing this to someone else or using them somehow to get to me, so I would appreciate it if you ladies would put his details around the warning boards.  I don't have a lot of internet access because I'm still under police protection and have to stay out of the area (only here today because of that interview yesterday and I'm in hospital on Fri to have my gall bladder removed and my stomach repaired from the last surgery).

Luckilly he isn't internet savvy, most of the stuff he gets is from magazines as he frequents a lot of sex shops. He does know I moderate this forum so might try getting someone to look here or even try booking someone from here just out of spite.

His name is Adrian M****s, he comes from the Grantham area, is about five foot seven and has as I said a badly squahed boxer type nose (he sees himself and his handfull of friends as modern day Crays I think).  He's 52 years old and is slightly balding on top with short brown hair round the back.  He keeps himself very smartly dressed and has a defibulater box that is quite prominant in his chest.  The numbers he contacts me on are 014765302** and 079306683** (I have the full numbers please PM me for them)

In his last letter he mentioned that he was going to book either Sorehs, Free Fox or Meline.  I don't know who these ladies are but if any of you have a clue can you please warn them.  (I have passed this letter on to the police)."


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« Reply #1 on: 23 July 2011, 12:36:34 pm »
Hi Dionne

Could you sent me the full landline, I had a voicemail last week with a very similar landline number, a man with a very gruff voice, I didn't get back to him.

I hope you are recovering from this horrible ordeal.

Anna x


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« Reply #2 on: 23 July 2011, 12:44:05 pm »
Sorry could you pm me.


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« Reply #3 on: 23 July 2011, 03:54:57 pm »
I dont have my work phone with me at the moment as soon as I get home I will pm them to you xx


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« Reply #4 on: 06 May 2012, 01:39:33 pm »
I know this was back in July but on the off chance this loon is still hanging around, would you mind PMing me all the numbers please? Thanks v much.


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« Reply #5 on: 06 May 2012, 01:43:33 pm »
I know this was back in July but on the off chance this loon is still hanging around, would you mind PMing me all the numbers please? Thanks v much.

Bananamuffin, bearing in mind the OP is unlikely to see this post anytime soon and assuming you haven't done so already, could you please send requests like this by PM as requested in the rules for this section? Bumping a thread that's not far off a year old for no reason pushes the current stuff further down the board and makes it more likely to be missed.