I have just had to kick out a client for trying it on bareback despite being asked twice to put a condom on.
He was asked if he could put his penis by my pussy to play and I told him no, on the pretext of going down on me he then moved so quick he was on top of me, pushing into me, I told him I don't do bareback and he said he wasn't going to put it in was just getting hard, I had a feel and he was fine, I asked him again to put a condom on and he still didn't, played with my nipples a bit more and my pussy then was back to pushing against me - strong leg muscles kept him at bay. In the end I pushed him off, rolled off the bed and he asked what the problem was, I told him I was ending the appt because of his behaviour and he got nasty.
He put his clothes on saying he had never done this before and I had taken his money under false pretences and was I going to keep it all, I said yes I was as I had asked him twice to wear a condom.
Then he said "ok, fair enough I'll sort this". when he got to the door he said "you won't be doing this again" and I said damn right I won't with you.
I'm a bit shook up as I don't want him or any "henchmen" turning up here, I have a child, but on the plus side 2 really noisy nasty sounding dogs
He is an oldish gent, skinny, says he runs a logging business up here, married, 2 kids, and never seen a WG before, his mobile number is 07826 787***, please PM me for actual location and full number x
All caps removed from title, phone number edited.