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Author Topic: A very creepy guy from Bushey  (Read 1058 times)


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A very creepy guy from Bushey
« on: 03 April 2018, 02:38:20 pm »
This is about a creepy guy from Bushey called Jonny. White, 30yrs old, about 5ft 4. Dark hair. 078119444**

Saturday I was quite busy and decided to work late. I don't usually do this with new punters, only ones I've seen before and know are alright. After a lot of silly buggers time-wasting throughout the day my evening was more productive. Then I get a text from a guy wanting a booking but saying he's already come so it would just be cuddling and chatting and to give me a break as I was obviously busy. I tell him I can do up to 9pm but then got a booking in so said it's now going to be 10.30pm. He was faffing about which is why he didn't get an earlier booking. I wasn't sure about him anyway to be honest. His manner seemed odd n so I said I'd need an upfront payment. He took an age to sort this out n I said a few times he was obviously a timewaster n he kept saying he wasn't. Eventually he did it. But as I say, after some time n annoyance to me.

I was thinking oh god, I hope this guys not a total weirdo. Sixth sense. When he turned up I knew straight away he was an oddball. First thing he said was (because he was 10mins late) he was worried that it would be 10.30 start and finish at precisely 11.30pm and I said yes that's exactly right. We do finish at 11.30pm. (He was late so it's his time lost, I'm not adding on ten extra mins for him).

Throughout the booking he was trying to get too overfamiliar with me, very obviously was searching for an escort to be his girlfriend and said he was looking for a connection which he felt with me. Yuck. He was very short. Shorter than me but he had remarked in an earlier text that we were the same height (weird thing to say).

Needless to say it was not cuddling n chatting, it was a gfe booking n he kept wanting to kiss me which with him I'd rather of not done at all. But fine, I'd charged him for gfe. But he was creepy. Kept asking can I kiss you? Can I touch you? You don't have to if you don't want to. Kept saying thank you and sorry when I told him I'd had timewasters. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. All the time, like it was his fault. Kept staring at me. Made me feel very uneasy. There was something off about him. I thought maybe he's got a medical condition like Autism or Aspergers and that's fine, if I knew beforehand I wouldn't be weirded out at all. But he didn't say anything so I assumed this guys just very strange. I think he thought his booking was honestly giving me a break from my usual bookings and he kept saying he wanted to make me happy, was I happy? Am I Okay? Throughout sex n everything. Wanted to make me come. I told him it's rare I do but he still wanted to try. I said there's no point n I'm okay as I am.

I think it one point he said he wanted to 'save me'. WTF?

He asked what I was doing on Easter Sunday, was I going to church? I laughed.

Anyway, it was not a great booking as he was clearly thinking it was something it was not. If I wanted a boyfriend it certainly would never be him. Then I could see we were going past the booking and he was still fucking me n hadn't come. He did say he'd already come three times that day though. But I said look we need to finish as I've got someone else coming in ten mins. He just carried on and said oh can't you cancel them? I said NO! He asked if it was a regular and was he nice. I mean why is that his business??? He said he could come back after the booking. I said no, I have to be up early, he said so do I, I said no. He was thinking of excuses to come back basically and no mention of more money, just him coming back, fuck right off!!!

Anyway, I said look why don't you wank over me. Tried that, it took longer than it should of. When he did come it spurted out all over me and was like water! Yuck. I thought well at least now I can finally get rid of him as he had run past his hour, it was hard to get him to finish and get out.

Forgot to say he stank of BO and I had to spray the room. I didn't have another punter but I said that to get him out. I stripped the bed n put the stuff in the wash, took my make up off n was just thinking to myself, I wouldn't be surprised if he was spying n waiting to see if I did have a punter or not. This idea freaked me out n was more spot on than I had thought as my doorbell went at midnight. Some 15-20mins after he'd left. I thought WTF? It's obviously him. I didn't answer. Rang again. Didn't answer. Then rang again about ten mins later. I thought how long is this creep gonna hang around for n what does he want? My phone was in the bedroom at the front of my place too near the front door so I couldn't go get it to see if he'd texted. It was only about half n hour later when I was sure he must of gone than i went to get it. He'd been calling n texting. Apparently he'd left his grey hat behind. Now when he first came in he wasn't wearing any hat but I looked around anyway but no hat anywhere. I texted n told him n he said are you sure, look here, etc. I told him look there's no hat here. I honestly think he was using the phantom hat as an excuse to try and get back into my place and then he'd probably of said something like oh your punter didn't turn up then so I may as well stay now n I missed the last bus so I'm stuck anyway. Luckily I never gave him a chance to try this.

I have to be honest I did consider texting a regular I'd just seen before he came over n asking him if he would come over n get rid of this bloke for me. If my phone hadn't of been in my bedroom which I couldn't get to as he would've heard the creaking floorboards in the hallway from outside, I might well of done. I felt that uneasy.

The next day he texted to ask if I enjoyed the booking. Needless to say I didn't reply n have now blocked him. He may have thought he felt a connection with me but I most certainly didn't with him and couldn't wait to get him out. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it, he was so creepy.


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Re: A very creepy guy from Bushey
« Reply #1 on: 03 April 2018, 03:56:20 pm »
C&C, could you maybe post an abridged version with just the specific details which made you think this man belongs in the Warning section? I'm on my phone and I'm struggling to get past the first couple of paragraphs.