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Author Topic: **WARNING** AGENCY IN BRISTOL RUN BY MADMAN.  (Read 13724 times)


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« on: 11 May 2009, 05:34:04 pm »
I was just going through some of the threads on this forum and I came across something that nearly made me cry out.

It was warning us about candiceparis, an agency run by a man who makes you sleep in his bed.
The agency is actually called SUGERBABESESCORTS and he does make you sleep in his bed.

I want to explain (I am sorry for the long message but you need to read).

I found a website advertsing glamour modeling, then as you click through you find a link onto a very cheap but decentish looking escort site. I called the number and to my surprise a man answered, I asked if he was looking for any new girls yes he replied. He gave me his email addy and we spoke alot on msn, he went on cam and started to go on about how he is a millionare and that he runs a porn business (this is true!).

Anyway we finally met and I had arranged to stay for only one day, he managed to talk me into staying for a few days and said that he had a liking for me as I reminded him of his ex wife....I felt a bit strange when he said that but he took me out EVERY night for posh meals in fancy restuarants, he promised me a free ad in the local paper if I came back and stayed a whole week.

When I left after 3 days, I was bombarded with texts asking why I wasnt missing him etc....(He knew I had a fiance but continued to hassle me). I returned and stayed for the week while my ad in the paper was up...thats when it got even more wierd.

He became very controlling, treating me like his mistress, telling people I was his daughter and for me to call him daddy, continuously asking for me to sleep in his bed, making me do his washing, help him do DIY and constantly had a go at me for speaking on the phone wrong, or if I didnt wake up early enough. He even asked me to put up an add on AW for him as his fantasy was for a women to pimp him out.

While I was there he put an ad up on AW for me with pictures he had taken professionaly of myself (he is a photographer as well). I will come back to this point in a minute.

Anyway enough was enough when he refused to let me go home to my fiance. I text my fiance in secret asking if he could come pick me up at midnight. I told this man that my fiance was taking em out to dinner and I would be back early hours of the morning.
I got home and switched my phone off, not wanting to speak to him untill I had a decent nights sleep.

I switched my phone on in the morning and was bombarded with threats that he knew what I was planning because I was stupid enough to leave my phone around him (hinting that he had gone through my phone). If i didnt contact him asap with a decent explanation there would be serious consequences.

I reported this straight to the police, but as it wasnt a direct threat they couldnt do anything.
Then he text again telling me i've messed with the wrong person. I told police again, this time they cautioned him.

Then as I thought things where dying down I thought I would get onto adultwork and set up a new profile, but realised he had put my pictures up on his group advertising me as being an underage esort who shouldnt be booked. I told aw and they took the pictures down as I hadnt consented it but stupidly as I had sighned a model realese form, there was nothing I could do when he put them up again....

I also want to add he posted up MY CONACT DETAILS SUCH AS MY MOTHERS HOME ADDRESS, fiance's name and my FULL REAL name on his own website so there was nothing I could do for it to be taken down other than to contact the Internet watch foundation who said they have spoken to him but he just got aggresive.

Well he continued to try and call me constantly after, so I the contacted police for the 5th time (I have a 50page log on this guy) and they have given him an official harrasment warning.


He has now accused me of stealing off him but the police havent taken it seriously, they have not interviewed me yet on this subject and I am still waiting to hear from them.

Please girls be careful of this guy and don't put yourself into this stupid situation like I did, my whole life has been taken over by this guy.


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« Reply #1 on: 19 June 2009, 12:48:27 am »
OmG, this is such a threatening story... I hope you r ok now...


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« Reply #2 on: 14 September 2009, 03:14:51 pm »
So sorry to hear. So many girls have had problems with him. He is called James Edwards but now calls him self Jason. I dont think anyone on his site sugarbabesescorts actually works for him.
He sent some adult natured photos of one girl to all her parents neighbours and on adultwork you quite often see photos of girls that do not have anything to do with him let alone escorting. The best thing to do is contact the people that host sugarbabesescorts to complain or threaten to continue writting what you have just wrote on many other websites until he takes you down.
« Last Edit: 14 September 2009, 03:43:08 pm by brandy@saafe »


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« Reply #3 on: 14 September 2009, 04:28:54 pm »
freeparking have the domain there email is
dreamhost have the hosting.
If you go to the contact page it explains how to contact them


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« Reply #4 on: 03 August 2010, 11:15:52 pm »
my god!!i read this and i know this guy!!
yeah i went to him also for a job,and he tried some of that crap with me but the worst was the girl he had in his spare room and another girl i met there,he did the same to her put her pics everywhere,,,then blackmailed her for money!
and lots of other bad shit!kept going on how his wife was a porn star,blah blah!!

the truth of it is he is a coward!very much so...

he has something wrong with his legs right???

i cant belive he is still pulling that crap!!