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Author Topic: 'John," Food industry worker" Farmhouse,Garstang( Lancaster Postcode. Very Odd..  (Read 2025 times)


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I have given the job title aswell to jolt the memory,  as it is one of the first things he talks about when he calls.
I had an odd feeling about him from the start, but had I been new I wouldn't have had anything to compare it with and would probably have accepted his booking request as completely normal ( maybe it is and I am just paranoid?  :-\ )

From the start he is very chatty and immediately reassures ( several times ) that I would be perfectly safe with him ( which set the bells ringing! ). He asked if I ever met up with guys prior to a booking ? to which I said sorry, but no.
 He said ok, he just thought I would want to be sure I am safe? I said he needn't worry as my security is watertight.
 He said ( oddly ) that to assure me he was genuine he would pick me up along the A6 and guide me to his house  ?????

 I ended the call by telling him I only ever meet clients at their own homes that I have made checks on and advised him not to be offering that service to other girls as his intentions may be misconstrued..

I marked him in my phone as  odd/Is he safe? and thought that would be that.

Two days later he calls me back and I decide to play it by ear..

He seems completely sane now - no odd chitchat, no funny requests, follows my booking procedure to the letter and I arrange to visit him this evening.
 At 9.30 it would have been dark when I arrived, but many clients like a little discretion.. Towards the end of the chat he says he only has one fantasy-for another time-and that is to be watched. I said I would only visit him if |he was alone and he assured me he would be.

10 minutes later, I had changed his contact details to 'John, Farm nr Garstang' when he calls back.

Could I remind him of my website address as he has a friend he chats with about this kind of stuff  ???

I am now thinking at best he is going to get this pal to come along and watch with/without me knowing..
Or at worst..?? ( thinking back to the earlier call ).

I reminded him of my insistance that he is alone throughout the booking and he got stroppy and hung up on me.

The address is fairly remote ( I know the area )-possibly completely genuine- but definately odd.

He is back in my phone as Odd/Avoid!!  ::)  079446900**
« Last Edit: 19 August 2011, 09:06:45 pm by kimba »