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Author Topic: "i want to choke you with my cock"  (Read 4183 times)


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"i want to choke you with my cock"
« on: 29 December 2011, 07:11:47 pm »
Possible dangerous man...really gave me the heeby jeebies.

First asked for my number on AW, then got a phonecall asking for a car meet, for 30 mins.

Conversation started fairly usually, asking rates etc. Then goes ask if I do any extras...i presume he meant things I didnt put on my interests section, and say no....the list is not variable from client to client and what i.choose to do within my time is at my discretion.

He then goes on to ask about deep throating...which I say it all depends on size etc, to which he replies that he would want to shove my head down on his cock and make me gag, and even possibly stop me breathing.
IT was at this point I hung up, blocked his number. Surprisingly I didnt get a call back lol.

Just came off the phone feeling dodgy. He was willing to travel from oxford to Huntingdon for this, which also struck me as odd.

Stay safe ladies!!

P.s. Will put number up later.