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Author Topic: !!! WARNING !!!: CONDOM RIPPER IN HERTFORDSHIRE  (Read 4074 times)


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« on: 22 June 2011, 02:43:58 pm »
Ladies, beware this dodgy bugger!!!

He will try and haggle for services, will call at any hour that suits him and expect an immediate booking or at a time that suits him better than you     -     but most importantly (and most dangerously), even if you tell him no bareback, he will rip the condom in order to get his way!!

He'll make faces about having to put on a condom, go for a few thrusts and then claim he wants to go down on you, BE VERY WARY as he is attempting to do this as a distraction whilst he RIPS THE CONDOM and then will try for doggie style as a further attempt for you to not notice what he has done.

His name is Ragu and will usually go for either and outcall to his home in Stevenage or an incall nearby.
His number is 0791 702 5xxx - PM me for the last 3 digits of his number.

Stay safe ladies! x
« Last Edit: 22 June 2011, 02:45:54 pm by EnigmaEmily »


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« Reply #1 on: 29 June 2011, 01:40:33 am »
********** UPDATE **********

Have recently had 2 phone calls from 2 different numbers to the one I published, but it sounded exactly like him, EXACT SAME requests, and identical pathetic attempts to haggle on price.

I would like to ask the moderators if, in this instance, it would be ok to provide a door number and street name should one of the ladies PM requesting this information? His apartment cannot be accessed without first going thru a security door, but with the fact that he may have changed his number in an attempt to avoid any further refusals, I think it may be in their best interest to know who it is they're dealing with if they've been booked for an outcall with this idiot. Obviously I will not publish the address on the open forum, nor will I provide a postcode should someone ask. But would it be ok for me to PM a door number and street name?


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« Reply #2 on: 29 June 2011, 01:54:28 am »
Emily you can and should send as much information as you've got by PM - the reasons it cannot be published on the public forum relate to data protection laws which could sabotage any future court action, not social niceties.

Assuming that you were following a normal outcall security procedure, you would have this man's full name and address as well as postcode, description etc; please do distribute it to anyone who asks :).

All of the information about using this section is in the Rules For Posting Warnings thread in the Stickys at the top.
« Last Edit: 29 June 2011, 01:56:28 am by amy »