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Author Topic: Your Success As An Escort Starts Here * Learn To Become High Class  (Read 10669 times)


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They're now banned after trying to start yet another jawdroppingly stupid thread with the obligatory giant copy paste. It does make you think that the person who was posting here doesn't read English any better than they write it.

You tell him/her/them!

I think the last one is the most likely.
« Last Edit: 13 June 2017, 12:58:04 pm by amy »


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Lets clear up a few discrepancies here Lovely Ladies.

* The Program was piloted in a group setting with 15 regular escorts who were selected randomly through Adultwork. They brought there own issues to the table. These are all covered in the Program Inclusive of the huge topic around TIMEWASTERS. Most of these Ladies have now doubled their income.

* The program requests a one of payment which includes a written working plan and a review which the ladies themselves sign and reflect back on. If you address the issues you bring to the table then there is no reason why success cannot be achieved.

* My contact details are on the profile. Feel free to email me at anytime should you have any queries.[/size]

[size=78%]* All escorts manage their own profiles - hence the grammatical errors noted on some.[/size]

* I am living proof that success can be achieved. It is a general fact that Mentoring support promotes success in any field.

* I can also be found on Twitter & Wordpress alongside my huge Ad on Adultwork.

I hope this has helped.

Thank You Ladies

Where are these ladies you have mentored ? If you know anything about business at all, you would know feedback, reviews and testimonials are PARAMOUNT in 2017


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Exploiting anyone, not to mention people who do the same job as you, is definitely not 'high class'.