So you make ?500 an hour escorting but will lose ?401 an hour to teach someone this program ? What are you a fairy god mother ?
Just to clear up the discrepancy, the Mentoring charge is a one off payment which the advert clearly points out.
Thank you 
You do not answer the excellent objection raised by Losthope. Paying at once or every hour does not change anything at all.
So you are able to earn 500 pounds per hour but you have the generosity to offer your coaching services for 100 pounds per hour and therefore lose 400 pounds per hour. So you are the Mother Teresa of escorts? Pleasure to meet you Mother Teresa Number Two.
The profiles are managed by the escorts themselves.
Thank you 
Do you teach them that making a lot of grammatical and spelling mistakes is a sure way to demonstrate "Class, Integrity and Sophistication"?
When I type in Google "The Elite Escort Mentoring Program" I arrive on your website: a cheap wordpress website hosted on the wordpress site (you do not have your own hosting and you do not even have your own domain), little content, no photos, no logo, etc. your site gives a depressing impression.
In short, a surprisingly bad website. In your mentoring program, do you teach the importance of having a good website? And if so, how can you teach what you do not know?
In conclusion, you seem to think that SAAFE forum members are rich and stupid and that it is very easy to make money on our backs?
P.S. To newbies in this business: read the SAAFE forum carefully and you will learn for free everything you need to know.