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Author Topic: Would like some advice on setting up a Adult Services web portal  (Read 1488 times)


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Firstly a big Hi an Happy New Year to everyone - this site is great!!!

I'm thinking about setting up an Adult Website/Portal where independant  workers can advertise there services ... similar in a way to AW but much more specialised and dedicated.

Was wondering whether anyone knew whether it is legal to actually setup and run such a business based out of the UK?

I'm just trying to do all my research up front at the moment .. any help, info or  advice would be hugely appreciated.

Many thanks in advance!!!


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Re: Would like some advice on setting up a Adult Services web portal
« Reply #1 on: 13 January 2012, 11:30:07 pm »
Well I'm sure we're all very happy that you like the forum, but since it is for sex workers only and not random people looking for an 'in' to the industry so that they can make some money out of us, this is the only section in which you are permitted to post.

If you are outside the UK, most of us on here are in it so we're unlikely to be much help (apart from being prossies rather than legal experts anyway) and the law varies - advertising prostitution is legal here but illegal in Ireland, for example and you would be far better on a legal advice site which covers wherever you are. Either way this is not the place to do your research - we are a sex work support and advice resource, not a advertising and marketing one (although I must admit I'm dying to know how any site could be more specialised and dedicated than a site which offers nothing but adult services and allows users to search for everything right down to pube styling).

My advice is don't bother. There have been more enthusiastic amateurs popping up with yet another Adultwork clone thinking it's the next big thing than I've snagged stockings in the last couple of years alone, and however big their ideas, not a single one has made any impact whatsoever. Have a read through this section and you can get a look at a good few of the also-rans for yourself.


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Re: Would like some advice on setting up a Adult Services web portal
« Reply #2 on: 14 January 2012, 12:13:31 am »
As ever, what Amy said: give up now. On the basis that you're in the UK, it's legal as such, but what you want to do is the equivalent of compete with eBay as an auction site. Lots of people would like to do so, but they got the critical mass first and taking it off them will be very, very difficult and expensive.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."