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Author Topic: Website Portfolio's  (Read 1166 times)


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Website Portfolio's
« on: 02 November 2017, 04:16:21 pm »
Hi more a question for the independent Ladies rather than those who are with agencies but how many of you have your own website?

I know each agency will give you your own profile page, but if your 100% independent or do your own thing from time to time do you bother with a website ?

I do web development on the side of my day job so was thinking of offering free websites/portfolios in exchange to putting some adverts on the site. I could set something up which is like an online profile listing your working days/hours, phone number, photos, areas you work through etc, say you set you work regularly from 22.00 - 08.00 then your phone number will be visible during that time. Everything would be self managed by yourself.

Would this be of interest to anyone? If you are PM and i'll send you my website and email address.


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Re: Website Portfolio's
« Reply #1 on: 02 November 2017, 04:29:50 pm »
You need a link and/or some contact details and a read of the advertising rules here, as well as a thorough lesson in punctuation and attention to detail.

My website is the one linked to my profile. It was free bar a minimal cost for the theme, has no adverts for internet randoms and I control it entirely myself already. Why would somebody ask you to do it for them?


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Re: Website Portfolio's
« Reply #2 on: 02 November 2017, 06:55:46 pm »
I can manage my own site, and don't want any ads on it except for those I have reciprocal banner ads for (i.e. I get a listing on their directory in exchange).
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