Wordpress is free as are a lot of things on the internet but if you do not know how to use them then you hire people to do them for you.
Wordpress also does not come with a lot of default themes so you have to find out what plugins to use to get the best out of your site. Does everyone know the importance of using h1, h2, h3 and paragraphs in wordpress in order to optimise their site?
The pay is for my time for it will not take me 5 seconds to do it. That is like me asking why should I pay an escort ?40 or whatever it is they charge for a handjob when I could masturbatefor free.
As for your other concerns, the adultwork site is hardly used at all with the irony being it is 1 you kept and I only put it up to show 1 of the themes that wordpress has that could be picked by someone wanting to have a site done.
The idea behind it was that if an escort charged 160 an hour and I got an email from a client saying they wanted that escort, I would say that particular escort charged 200.
Before revealing the escort's details, the client would have to pay the ?40 upfront to me via paypal and 160 which is what the escort charges anyways to the escort so I was not looking to charge the escort anything just the clients.
That is why there are no contact details for the individual escorts and I did not wish to be called by clients so I refused to put my phone number.
There are male escorts on the site hence the female gallery. If you look to the right hand side of the female models page you would see the male models page.
The text was got from the escorts not that it matters a jot as most people I would imagine are more interested in what the escort has to offer rather than their level of English or grammar. I am not offering to create a profile page for them for ?100, I am offering to create a whole website for ?80.
FYI misspellings are tools to be used when it comes to ranking keywords. About 2000 people a month type in escourt but you will probably scorn if some adds that as a keyword to their site, lambasting their spelling when it fact it is a clever ploy to rank their site with google.
I am sorry Amy but I do not think that doing a research with tools both paid and unpaid for keywords, adding pages and content to their site making sure is it optimised for their keywords including adding keywords to all their images, adding the right plug ins and the other things that need to be done is short changing anybody with my price.
You have also had a go at my stating that if they had their own ideas then I could work with that. Believe it or not but some escorts do know exactly what they want to add to their website in terms of content but just do not know how to do so.
I am just saying that I am open to anything whether you have your own ideas or not, I am not going to charge more for not having their own ideas.
I know it is your responsibility to play devil's advocate and its admirable that you do not want to see people being exploited but I have had a website done for me that I paid ?150 for and it did not include adding content because that is not the job of a web designer.
Yes wordpress is free after you have bought a domain name and hosting but for a novice will they know how to add menu pages, would they know how to make those menu pages appear on the front end, would they know about permalink settings, would they know about plug ins to make their site better, use of widgets, google analytics etc.
Facebook is a free site too but people pay lots of money to people to create fan pages that help promote their site and I am not referring to using bots but real targeted audiences.
Please if you are going to allow me promote my work then kindly take out the adultworkescorts link as I do not use it at all and please add 1 of the others which is aimed towards independent escorts.
P.S. For 2 of the escorts that I helped build their sites, it took me 1 hour and a half, ?10 to get from Harrow to Canary wharf as they live there, help them buy domain name and hosting with go daddy as their English is basic and not knowing how to pay online, I helped in doing that, install wordpress and then use 3 to 4 hours to help build their site calling godaddy for any server issues which was a lot because it was during the easter holidays.
All this I did for ?80 and 1 of them charges ?80 for half hour while the other charges ?90 for half hour.
What they paid me to do would last them a lifetime took me 3 hours to build with all the physical and mental exertions, they happen to make back in 30 minutes.