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Author Topic: Web design and marketing  (Read 905 times)


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Web design and marketing
« on: 14 August 2015, 05:00:58 pm »
Hello Ladies and gents (if there are any),

I am pretty new here and really here for advice if anything.  I am a web designer and marketer and own a marketing company mainly for industry/commercial type business.  I am also not sure if this industry would require my type of work but there is no harm in asking I guess.

As I said I design networks and have been doing this for over ten years,  I am well educated in S.E.O. (search engine optimisation), marketing and so on and just wondering if this would be needed by any one on this forum.  Looking really for information on what the general needs are for a site?  If you would need hosting, domain names, security, social network marketing and so forth ad preferably how much for these services would you be happy to spend.

I am not after a quick thrill as you ladies are no doubt very used to, I pride myself on confidentiality and believe this is the only way to do business.  I am only here as my girlfriend is an escort and said it might be worth a try, I am a decent down to earth guy and happy to chat if you have any questions and I will only ever be professional.

I do have a well established site and obviously a number of communication methods like email and phone number etc.  You could always talk to my girlfriend to prove I am genuine or if you prefer you can just talk to her, she knows what I do so she is more than confident in helping.  I wont post any of my details like my site here because I don't want to break any site rules or anything.  Would love some advice if possible, may be a loose end really but no harm In getting in touch with more self employed people.

Thanks for reading



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Re: Web design and marketing
« Reply #1 on: 14 August 2015, 07:51:20 pm »
Adam, we're not here to advise web designers - there will be other forums for that.

If you want to offer a service to our members we need to know what it is, how much it costs and by which means we should contact you. A link would be helpful so that anybody who might be interested can see your work (and had you read the advertising rules you would know this already).

I'll point out - just in case it needs pointing out - that the above is what you should provide if you're going to advertise here. What we don't need is to hear about your personal life or your girlfriend whether she's a prossie or not - if you're intent on always being professional, start now.