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Author Topic: Unlimited Exposure  (Read 2293 times)


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Unlimited Exposure
« on: 06 December 2017, 08:11:26 am »
Escorts Unlimited is the most innovative addition to the world of escorts in years.  Through its exclusive VIP membership package, members are able to play a FREE quiz to WIN a date with an escort. 

Licensed by the robust Kwik Quiz on-line platform (,  offers punters the opportunity to win a date/session with either the featured escort or an escort of their choosing.  How it works is both interesting and simple.  Firstly, membership includes five free credits per week for the quiz, which requires two credits to play.  Secondly, the quiz asks one question based on the escort industry and provides four possible answers.  The player chooses the correct answer (looking up the correct answer is perfectly acceptable) and submits his entry.  Each quiz is  limited to 175 entries, giving excellent odds for each player.  The motivating prize for each quiz is the featured escort and her corresponding fee i.e. ?150.

Escorts will be drawn from independent and agency sources in the UK and Ireland; they will provide a photo of their choice and a short bio as well as a link to their website.  In essence, UK Escorts Unlimited acts as a secondary advertising medium for the escort or agency.  Since UK Escorts Unlimited is not an agency and has no intention of becoming one, they are simply a members club to allow punters to win a free date with an escort.  The winner of each quiz receives the full cash amount necessary to pay the escort fee; these funds are paid directly into the punters PayPal account by UK Escorts Unlimited.

Due to barriers of distance, timing and availability, the punter has the ultimate decision whether to book with the featured escort or choose another escort.  In either case, UK Escorts Unlimited pays each featured escort ?50 for agreeing to be the featured escort for that quiz; this applies to independents as well as agencies.  UK Escorts Unlimited uses a business model that collects weekly dues from members and in return for these dues provides a slate of benefits including the free draw with the escort as the prize.

There is no cost for a punter playing the Escort Quiz, equivalent cost to a non-member would be about the same cost as buying a scratch card.  Where the featured escort and winning punter are able to make suitable arrangements, the punter pays the escort her full fee from the funds provided by UK Escorts Unlimited plus she receives a ?50 bonus directly from UK Escorts Unlimited.  If logistics prevents the punter and featured escort from meeting, the featured escort has not incurred any costs and in fact has gained a ?50 bonus for being featured.  As quickly as the quiz is subscribed and completed, a new quiz is posted featuring a new escort. 

Both independent escorts and escort agencies are encouraged to contact  and submit their photos and short bio along with a link to their website or social media venue.  There is absolutely no cost to the escort or agency to be featured on UK Escorts Unlimited.


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #1 on: 06 December 2017, 09:49:46 am »
Paypal won't touch this, or anything else prostitution based.

When you say 'date' do you mean 'booking' or 'appointment' - punting is nothing to do with dating and I doubt any of us are looking for dates with punters. How do you suggest we screen these punters? If the 'winner' is somebody who doesn't pass our screening then presumably they just use the money to book somebody else anyway so why the faff when I can't see how it would ever work? Why not just let people gamble to win cash if they want to and then they can spend it on punting if they like, since that's effectively what you're doing anyway.

As ever, why would punters pay to join a site when they can just pick up the phone and book the person they want? Most don't want a paper trail and certainly not to any of their finances.


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #2 on: 06 December 2017, 11:36:14 am »
Thank you for your insightful feedback and commentary.  I accept your advice and will amend the verbiage to read 'booking/appointment'. 
Any punter winning one of our members only quizzes would follow the same procedure to book an appointment as any other client, the only difference is that we've paid him for his booking so your screening criteria remains intact.
Since members are drawn from across the UK, the logistics become more complex; for example, a punter in Cumbria winning a booking with an escort in London may not be able to coordinate time tables, so he has the option to book another escort.
This venue simply provides another free advertising site for escorts to hopefully broaden their client base.  Their one day listing as our feature escort may or may not gain them a client but we pay them ?50 as a thank you regardless.
Our concept is not to replace the punter making direct contact but rather to augment his opportunities given that his disposable income may limit the number of times he can visit an escort in a finite period of time.  His membership provides him with a free chance to win another fully paid appointment.
PayPal's only involvement is as a payment provider to accept and receive funds for membership to a men's VIP Club listed as an innocuous corporate payee.  One of the benefits of membership is a free draw that is totally unrelated to the financial transaction.  I can only assure you that we will monitor the process carefully and respond appropriately to implement any changes necessary to make the system viable and acceptable.

Nora batty

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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #3 on: 06 December 2017, 12:15:45 pm »
Your idea is not new, it's just the same as Punternet who also offer a free date to a winning punter. 

I know of no escort who would give a free booking or even except a booking from an unscreened client.  We screen the clients not you and certainly not a random website. 


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #4 on: 06 December 2017, 12:29:57 pm »
Your idea is not new, it's just the same as Punternet who also offer a free date to a winning punter. 

I know of no escort who would give a free booking or even except a booking from an unscreened client.  We screen the clients not you and certainly not a random website.



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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #5 on: 06 December 2017, 03:36:22 pm »
Agree with the others, this had been done before.
And no girl with give a freebie! Why should they??


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #6 on: 06 December 2017, 04:15:06 pm »
can someone point out where it say the escort is working for free ?
as i read it as you get ?50 to be in the comp and you get your fee from the site if the punter picks you the site pays your fee for the punter and you can still say no if he don't pass your screening  ??? 


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #7 on: 06 December 2017, 04:36:39 pm »
As you are basically running a lottery, are you regulated by the Gaming Commission? Because that's something else Paypal won't allow.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #8 on: 06 December 2017, 04:46:26 pm »
can someone point out where it say the escort is working for free ?
as i read it as you get ?50 to be in the comp and you get your fee from the site if the punter picks you the site pays your fee for the punter and you can still say no if he don't pass your screening  ???

It says the punter receives the funds directly, nowhere does it say that he has to use it to pay for this escorts service or how indeed this would be enforced

It says absolutely nothing about screening except that the only difference is you have paid so the escorts screening procedure would remain intact. So that means they can say No which rather invalidates the whole concept of winning sexual services in a competition.

This load of absolute tosh makes my skin crawl, the concept of 'winning' an escort,  and belongs on a punter site not here

Not to mention about what Amy said about PayPal not touching it with a bargepole.


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #9 on: 06 December 2017, 04:51:49 pm »
Paypal and regulatory questions aside, I could see this business model working for agencies. "Enter our raffle to win a free 1hr booking with the escort of your choice!" Unfortunately girls who work for agencies are often unable to set their own services or prices, and have to rely on the agency's non-existent screening.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #10 on: 06 December 2017, 05:35:53 pm »
I couldn?t even be bothered to read all that.

Why complicate what should be a straightforward transaction with membership, entry fees, blah blah blah...

I?d rather screen my own clients and have the choice to see them if I want to, not because they ?won? me and are entitled to. Rubbish.


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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #11 on: 06 December 2017, 05:40:36 pm »
I couldn?t even be bothered to read all that.

Why complicate what should be a straightforward transaction with membership, entry fees, blah blah blah...

I?d rather screen my own clients and have the choice to see them if I want to, not because they ?won? me and are entitled to. Rubbish.


Wailing Banshee

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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #12 on: 14 December 2017, 01:35:38 pm »
Urgh, like any escort would want to be 'won' in manner of some shitty bottle of wine at a village fete.

I'll pass.

English Green

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Re: Unlimited Exposure
« Reply #13 on: 16 January 2018, 11:27:58 am »
What a load of old shit again!!
Any stupid idea to make money from prostitution.
I would not be interested in this type of game for anything just stupid in my eyes.