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Author Topic: Take the hassle out of bookings  (Read 4403 times)


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #15 on: 22 May 2018, 10:31:26 pm »
You didn't offend you just exasperated many of us.This is because you came into a part of the forum that is called Spamming in the Lions Den (clue is in the title there so no idea why you seem butt hurt when we do the lionesses bit!) without A)Thinking about what you were proposing B)Taking some time to see what other bright ideas people have previously proposed and how it went and C)Made the same assumptions that all those others did.
Seriously if you have never been a barber before or a baker would you go on their forum and tell them how beneficial your great idea would be for them?No anyone with common sense would read a few threads and do some other general research and then ask what would be helpful rather than ignoring what was said in the first place and ploughing on.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #16 on: 23 May 2018, 07:28:32 am »
There are some very good calendar apps around which allow folk to book classes etc, members have their credit card details stored.

IF this was the only way bookings were accepted, and clients were already known it might work BUT many may not like their details stored, or wish to use their credit card to fund it and of course it won't work for new clients.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #17 on: 23 May 2018, 11:19:03 am »
It's not like booking in appointments at a beauty clinic.

Part of the process for us is sussing out the customer that comes to us first. To know if their even genuine first.

No computer generated system can do that,

Clearly you've never been in our shoes.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #18 on: 23 May 2018, 11:30:30 am »
Releasing the address is another issue, most of us don't want it accessible until we spy the punter or he's made a deposit or other security.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #19 on: 24 May 2018, 08:27:42 am »
Dare I say (don’t pounce) it could sort out your availability (it could even do things like confirm your likes and dislikes, parking, nearest tube - you can define the scope of the pre-qualification)- you could then call to confirm (I.e. check you are happy with them, and then confirm address), retaining the part which is righty so important.

I have read so many posts in this forum about being texted/called about so many items, which have been indicated as frustrating/annoying. I have done so homework.

I can control things like privacy of numbers, and also allow numbers to be blocked (so if you lose/change phone you don’t have to worry abou updating).

Like I said, I don’t know the issues you face - but I have read many frustrations from this forum, and many of them I can address.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #20 on: 24 May 2018, 10:24:35 am »
So what you're proposing (and what my likes and dislikes have to do with punters is anybody's guess) is advertising listing. Ground breaking.

I still can't see that link?


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #21 on: 24 May 2018, 02:11:02 pm »
You still aren't quite getting it really are you?You are persistent I'll give you that!Clients can read all that on our adverts and even use the booking system that is on our websites/adverts, so what would be different about you doing it?We already have that,you wouldn't be doing anything different!
We also already have various free call blocker apps available to us as well as the standards ones that are on our smart phones.
I personally wouldn't find losing/updating a phone and having to update a problem as the tech savvy amongst us can use a thing called cloud storage to store all that on anyway or kies or whatever thing we have with our phones,most of us backup our phones anyway these days.
Most of our frustrations on here are us just having a whine about aspects of the job,you know sounding off and there are already solutions in place many as I say are fairly standard and free.I don't recall many if any of these posts you refer to asking for someone to come along and offer us a solution.In fact you will find the O.P's have been given advice about what to do regarding nuisance texts/calls i.e change to a smart phone and use existing call/text blocking apps.
You kinda sound desperate now,trying to think of ways in which you can sell us something we don't really need.Why are you so desperate to be involved with the sex industry?
Still you haven't put up a link of what it is you are actually trying to promote which makes me think your product doesn't actually exist and you are just somebody sat scratching his head trying to come up with an idea,any idea that we may take you up on.
You don't seem to want to hear that we have pretty much everything covered.
You are basically describing Adultwork with your likes/dislikes,nearest parking blah blah.Adultwork already exists!
« Last Edit: 24 May 2018, 02:24:03 pm by BibiofLeeds »


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #22 on: 24 May 2018, 04:24:05 pm »
Dare I say (don’t pounce) it could sort out your availability (it could even do things like confirm your likes and dislikes, parking, nearest tube - you can define the scope of the pre-qualification)- you could then call to confirm (I.e. check you are happy with them, and then confirm address), retaining the part which is righty so important.

But you are simply inserting more steps and barriers between sex workers and the clients.

Current method:
1 Client sees advert
2 Rings or texts for booking
3 We screen to our own requirements and arrange or deny the booking, giving the client all the info needed
4 Booking happens

You're suggesting:
1 Sex worker installs your app
2 Client installs your app
3 Client sees advert
4 Client PAYS to contact sex worker with suggested time and duration of booking (AS IF!)
5 Sex worker reviews booking request
[IF request <> available THEN]
6 Sex worker suggests alternate time for booking because in the meantime someone has contacted via the usual straightforward method and requested that time slot
7 Sex worker contacts client (using own minutes on phone?!) and does screening as usual
8 Client gets pissed off because he's PAID to contact sex worker so feels entitled to just rock up at the requested time
9 Sex worker tells client to fuck off with that attitude
10 Client does a chargeback for the money he paid you
[IF request = available THEN]
6 Sex worker contacts client (using own minutes on phone?!) and does screening as usual
7 Booking happens
8 Client wonders why the hell he paid you to contact a sex worker when he could have just phoned

Your app would DOUBLE the steps that most bookings currently take.

I gave this advice to someone on one of the threads on Amy's first reply.

You are approaching this from the viewpoint that it should be something like bookatable or Uber - the idea being that there is an unlimited (or a large) supply of sex workers. But for indies, there's just one. The other assumption is that we will see anyone who wants to see us, which is so far from the truth that it's laughable.

However your app, with some tweaking, might be suitable for pimps an agency, one that has a lot of girls on the books.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #23 on: 24 May 2018, 10:48:36 pm »
Your app would DOUBLE the steps that most bookings currently take.

Exactly. Who on earth could be arsed?

There's also something which the OP hasn't considered at all; in order for an app, bot or whatever to 'manage our availability' it needs to know what it is. Only we can tell it, which means that all this time we would supposedly be saving would in fact be spent constantly fannying around updating some online calendar every time something changed - it would take forever. A fifteen second phone call does exactly the same thing.

I have read so many posts in this forum about being texted/called about so many items, which have been indicated as frustrating/annoying. I have done so homework.

The people here don't come on to post about how they had four completely unremarkable bookings today, took a couple for tomorrow and how nothing of note happened whatsoever - that was my day today and it's hardly conversationworthy.

The forum is where people can get support and advice about work related matters and they only tend to need that when things aren't going as they should. Hence the many posts about things which are frustrating and annoying - that's what the place is for.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #24 on: 25 May 2018, 08:16:52 am »
There is no app. That makes it very simple.

1. Client see advert (not all off adult work, so they don’t know your likes/dislikes
2. They WhatsApp/text or email you
3. Bot replies, and prequalifies/answers his questions, which could be your availability (bot checks your calendar) and it will answer questions about your physical attributes, your likes/dislikes, you name it, directions, parking, nearest tube.
4. Client IM’s to book times
5. You get notification (by email/text/WhatsApp) and calendar entry is auto filled (with any special requests client asks for, or maybe transcript of the conversation so you can see if he is a nutter or not). Clearly, you can call to confirm if you wish. Or delete calendar entry. Or delete calendar entry and bar number (or email) so they can’t contact you again.

No app, just simple appointment booking.

This means bot is working 24/7 doing things you don’t have to.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #25 on: 25 May 2018, 10:46:45 am »
Again, what have 'likes and dislikes' got to do with anything? I've never felt the need to tell punters that I like crumpets and non-league football; are you talking about services offered? We're not in the US so we don't need twee euphemisms here - if that's what you mean just bloody say so.

I want punters to have read my site properly, and the ones who ask the sorts of questions you're giving above generally don't make it past my screening because they haven't done this. What you're saying is that your 'bot' will allow punters to think they have a booking when they haven't - what happens if we're busy and don't see this thing until after they're set off? And most of us would never call a punter - they call us, and if they're going to have to do that anyway why would they bother with all the cobblers above?

You also haven't answered my point about updating the calendar properly, given that most of us work by phone and often texts with regulars (and I don't know where you're getting the AW obsession from; about 10% of my bookings come from there and fewer still use the online booking system). In addition, what happens when some bellend we've turned away om the phone books an eight hour block just for shits and giggles so in the unlikely event that anybody else wants to us it, we're 'busy' for the rest of the day?

When answering, also bear in mind that I've now asked you four times to post your link. The next post you try that doesn't contain it will be your last.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #26 on: 25 May 2018, 10:54:43 am »

1. Client see advert (not all off adult work, so they don’t know your likes/dislikes

2. They WhatsApp/text or email you
3. Bot replies, and prequalifies/answers his questions, which could be your availability (bot checks your calendar) and it will answer questions about your physical attributes, your likes/dislikes, you name it, directions, parking, nearest tube.
4. Client IM’s to book times
5. You get notification (by email/text/WhatsApp) and calendar entry is auto filled (with any special requests client asks for, or maybe transcript of the conversation so you can see if he is a nutter or not). Clearly, you can call to confirm if you wish. Or delete calendar entry. Or delete calendar entry and bar number (or email) so they can’t contact you again.

Majority of sites allow us to list our services and the few that don't we can have a link to our Adultwork Profile or Personal Website where potential clients can find out what we offer (and frankly if someone can't be bothered to take a few minutes to check out my services and/or rates then they are not the type of person I want to see).

As has been said already this has no chance as you don't have a clue about how we work and you are overcomplicating things.

As for no app, how on earth do you expect to get your so called bot onto our phones, tablets whatever without an app?
Seriously it sounds like you are making things up as you go.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #27 on: 25 May 2018, 02:09:17 pm »
Will your app or whatever it is will be checking all the numbers on ugly mug system, saafe forum sections for reported members?
Will they send us all needed information for it?


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #28 on: 25 May 2018, 02:14:03 pm »
There is no app. That makes it very simple.

1. Client see advert (not all off adult work, so they don’t know your likes/dislikes
2. They WhatsApp/text or email you
3. Bot replies, and prequalifies/answers his questions, which could be your availability (bot checks your calendar) and it will answer questions about your physical attributes, your likes/dislikes, you name it, directions, parking, nearest tube.

Lol. Are you lacking common sense? Client sees advert and text escort to get all the information back which is on advertisement itself?


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #29 on: 25 May 2018, 03:47:42 pm »
I was the one who mentioned Adultwork as an example of an advert.90% of our adverts contain our services,location,rates etc so a client doesn't need to have a chat with a bot asking what these are.Basically it sounds like you are offering an interactive voicemail sort of thing,something to pick up calls or texts we might miss when asleep (I wouldn't see anyone who thought it was ok to contact me outside of my stated hours anyhow)or when we are in bookings.
Guys who are genuine generally will call us back anyway,the ones that don't are either window shoppers or want something very short notice anyway so it wouldn't work.
What they all will have in common though is that they will want to speak/get replies from us not a chatbot that is basically just taking a message and they certainly won't want to pay for doing that either.
Guys who are wanting to book in advance simply leave a voicemail asking us to call them or a text saying the same thing so nope I still don't see a viable use for whatever it is you are offering.
I certainly wouldn't feel happy having some client autofill a booking form before I have had chance to read through whatever his request and bot transcript is only to find he is a prat and he is on his way or for me to then have to cancel someone because I have answered my phone to a regular and agreed to see him then seen your bot has also autofilled a booking slot on your whatever it is,I dare say you would get some rather pissed off clients,that's if any punter could equally be arsed using your gizmo.
Just very over complicated and of very little use to us I think but you don't seem to get it despite being told over and over.