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Author Topic: Take the hassle out of bookings  (Read 4409 times)


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Take the hassle out of bookings
« on: 22 May 2018, 07:10:32 am »
I’m working on a solution to make it easier for clients to book in appointments/sessions.

Would you say that time taken in phone calls/messages to book sessions is time/consuming and frustrating?

If an online assistant could manage your diary (that customer engages via WhatsApp/text/web chat), would this help you/reduce frustration?

I’d be interested in feedback to try and develop this service.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #1 on: 22 May 2018, 09:42:35 am »

Read and learn. From one of the above:

Or, to give an example from yesterday:
Punter calls me at 1.37pm and gets a text saying I'm busy and can answer from 2pm.
Punter calls back at 2pm, arranges booking for 3pm and is given directions.
Punters arrives at 3pm, pays upfront so I have my money, he has a service in return and leaves at 3.30pm.

Bear in mind that the first step only applies if I'm busy when they ring. The rest of the time it's no more complicated than steps two and three and nobody needed to go near an 'app'.

In other words, there is no 'hassle' taking bookings and if there was, we're on it.
« Last Edit: 22 May 2018, 04:38:35 pm by amy »


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #2 on: 22 May 2018, 10:49:48 am »
What about from the person making a booking? Can’t always talk. They could text/WhatsApp and have a chat bot could answer on your behalf (and make booking on your behalf). What about when you are busy? Be it with client, on holiday, shopping - whatever. If you don’t answer they move on to Plan b, c or d. This way, you answer (sorry service answers) straight away and booking is made (if your availability suits the client).

No apps, nothing else. Just your phone number linking into your calendar.

Just your calendar, and an easier way for a client to get your availability without you having to a manual job that a bot can do for you.

If any SP can see the benefits of more bookings - for little effort, then I’d like to PM further.

I’m already rolling out in other markets (and working very well) so with some minor tweaks I could tailor it to SP’s.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #3 on: 22 May 2018, 10:51:54 am »
No way would I take a booking from someone I hadn't spoken to .

I get to choose who I see and nobody else can possibly do that for me , tone of voice, age, where travelling from , double checking they're not Dominant and their response to that ! Other requests etc etc etc


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #4 on: 22 May 2018, 11:53:05 am »
The time taken is only a problem if the person making the booking won't get to the point.

Many punters do get to the point, I screen out those who don't, also a few regulars make their next booking whilst they are with me.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #5 on: 22 May 2018, 12:51:02 pm »
The only app that would be of use is one that has a built in lie detector and will automatically zap the balls of anyone who's a no show.  :D


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #6 on: 22 May 2018, 01:26:51 pm »
+1 definitely lol


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #7 on: 22 May 2018, 02:04:04 pm »
What about from the person making a booking? Can’t always talk. They could text/WhatsApp and have a chat bot could answer on your behalf (and make booking on your behalf). What about when you are busy? Be it with client, on holiday, shopping - whatever. If you don’t answer they move on to Plan b, c or d. This way, you answer (sorry service answers) straight away and booking is made (if your availability suits the client).

If a punter can't talk, he needs to call me when he can and he's fine to agree that time by text. Nothing and nobody answers my phone and decides that I'm going to take a booking 'on my behalf', and given that I would need to speak to the punter at some stage anyway if for no reason other than to give him directions, it's an unnecessary faff. And as you would know had you bothered to read the threads I've linked to, most of us already have call blockers, autoresponders and so on for when we're busy.

This isn't a punting site, so assuming you're yet another one who thinks he knows how we ought to do our job better than we do, I suggest you find one and post there. What you also need to do, seeing as you've said you already have this system up and running, is post your link so we can see for ourselves.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #8 on: 22 May 2018, 05:33:08 pm »
What about from the person making a booking? Can’t always talk. They could text/WhatsApp and have a chat bot could answer on your behalf (and make booking on your behalf). What about when you are busy? Be it with client, on holiday, shopping - whatever. If you don’t answer they move on to Plan b, c or d. This way, you answer (sorry service answers) straight away and booking is made (if your availability suits the client).

No apps, nothing else. Just your phone number linking into your calendar.

Just your calendar, and an easier way for a client to get your availability without you having to a manual job that a bot can do for you.

If any SP can see the benefits of more bookings - for little effort, then I’d like to PM further.

I’m already rolling out in other markets (and working very well) so with some minor tweaks I could tailor it to SP’s.
Did you actually go read any of the links Amy supplied or even showed some initiative and had a read through the spamming section yourself?Because your reply indicates you have not.The vast majority of independent escorts do not want anybody else and especially a bloody chatbot making bookings on their behalf.How on earth do you propose that somebody else or a chatbot can screen clients for us?The intelligent ones amongst us have something for free called an autotext or voicemail telling clients when we are free to take a call or asking them to leave a message for us when we can call them or text them back!If they don't want to call back later then yes they may well go to plan b,c d or z but most of us accept that is life,what we don't want is somebody or something booking in unsuitable and potentially dangerous clients on our behalf and being charged for the privilage (I presume you want some sort of payment for your app or why bother?)
This is a personal service and clients expect personal responses from the sex worker he will actually be wanting to screw not a chatbot taking his particulars down!
« Last Edit: 22 May 2018, 06:02:45 pm by BibiofLeeds »


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #9 on: 22 May 2018, 07:36:50 pm »
Did you actually go read any of the links Amy supplied or even showed some initiative and had a read through the spamming section yourself?Because your reply indicates you have not.The vast majority of independent escorts do not want anybody else and especially a bloody chatbot making bookings on their behalf.How on earth do you propose that somebody else or a chatbot can screen clients for us?The intelligent ones amongst us have something for free called an autotext or voicemail telling clients when we are free to take a call or asking them to leave a message for us when we can call them or text them back!If they don't want to call back later then yes they may well go to plan b,c d or z but most of us accept that is life,what we don't want is somebody or something booking in unsuitable and potentially dangerous clients on our behalf and being charged for the privilage (I presume you want some sort of payment for your app or why bother?)
This is a personal service and clients expect personal responses from the sex worker he will actually be wanting to screw not a chatbot taking his particulars down!

+1 on this


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #10 on: 22 May 2018, 08:17:03 pm »
What about from the person making a booking? Can’t always talk. They could text/WhatsApp and have a chat bot could answer on your behalf (and make booking on your behalf). What about when you are busy? Be it with client, on holiday, shopping - whatever. If you don’t answer they move on to Plan b, c or d. This way, you answer (sorry service answers) straight away and booking is made (if your availability suits the client).

No apps, nothing else. Just your phone number linking into your calendar.

Just your calendar, and an easier way for a client to get your availability without you having to a manual job that a bot can do for you.

If any SP can see the benefits of more bookings - for little effort, then I’d like to PM further.

I’m already rolling out in other markets (and working very well) so with some minor tweaks I could tailor it to SP’s.
You are clueless as to what we do , what works for us so go try finding solutions for other professions instead.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #11 on: 22 May 2018, 08:18:30 pm »
The only app that would be of use is one that has a built in lie detector and will automatically zap the balls of anyone who's a no show.  :D
Yes  spot on


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #12 on: 22 May 2018, 08:43:19 pm »
Ok - thanks for your feedback.

I think you have answered my question (in around about way!).

The technology works in many sectors - i.e. linking chat/email to calendar availability. I thought (clearly wrongly)
that with some tweaks I could build a platform to offer a product that could add some value (under different brand to where it currently sells).

I get, it’s hard to to my point across without something to see first (on a platform that is relevant to these discussions, hence me asking for feedback) - but I need to develop it to be at that point but as you say, maybe it’s something you don’t want, so no point in wasting my time.

For what it’s worth I had ideas to address some of the concerns (as I understand/get the points), but as you say, I’m obviously clueless to what you do. Was hoping for a constructive discussion, rather than being thrown to the lions!

Hey - it was/is an idea - just trying to offer an alternative.

Sorry if I offended.


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #13 on: 22 May 2018, 09:58:24 pm »
Yes, you thought (or assumed) that booking a sex worker would be like ordering a pizza or calling a taxi. It isn't. One of the most common misconceptions about our work - which virtually everybody who has never done the job makes, not just you - is that we want to get the business of every single person who contacts us. We don't.

Your idea is lacking a facility with which we can screen. And since only we can do that (and I couldn't screen for Sugar or Bibi any more than they could for me), it wouldn't work. This isn't online grocery shopping or booking gym classes.

Hopefully you've looked at some of the linked threads. The main thing to remember is that they all came to nothing, and for exactly the reason above. We don't want to cut corners in our screening and that is exactly what these 'time saving' ideas expect us to do - there's even a couple up there that thought they would give out our addresses to all and sundry to 'save us time'. It didn't even occur to them that we'd never supply them to some random in the first place, and that includes them.

Are you to post a link to your site as requested or shall I do it? Or should we just say no more about it?


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Re: Take the hassle out of bookings
« Reply #14 on: 22 May 2018, 10:00:25 pm »
It’s called spamming in the lions den for a reason! Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups, don’t assume, educate yourself. Look at the threads, listen to your potential users and then think is this is something that is really that necessary in this industry?
'I don't know, its like there's a light at the end of the tunnel'
'That's hellfire, Dean'